View Full Version : Worried again! 2 y/o son, little bump stomach

18-09-13, 14:03
Hi! I am back. Yes again.
This time I am worried about my son. He is 2. Last night he was standing without his shirt, and we noticed a little bump. It is not right over his bellybutton, but maybe 2 inches over. It is small (maybe 1/2cm) and looks roundish. When I touch it he cries like it hurts (he cannot really talk). I feel something, softish. When he lies flat, we do not see it.

He also has a bone that protrudes on this sternum. I know that is this:

This is not the same, and lower down. When he lies flat, it disappeapers & it cannot be felt. We will take him to the Dr soon. Anyone else with experience, or anything?

19-09-13, 20:37
I have a dr appt for him tomorrow. His primary GP. He is very active, and is generally great. He has 2 bumps. One is one his sternum. This feel like a bone, and indeed after looking it up online it is. It is a prominent xiphoid process, which is basically cartilage.

The is halfway between his sternum, and his belly buttom. It is more prominent went standing, but you can see it when he is lying down. When I touch it he pulls away, which makes me think it is tender. I can feel it, but it feels soft and is hard to feel. It is almost like it goes away. I can move the skin around it, and it stays fixed. I don't think there are any bones there.. it seems like his stomach. But there could be... it is just under his ribs.

My likely thoughts are:
hernia - seems common in kids
bone or muscle protrusion
cyst or lipoma

My fears are of course cancer. I know cancer is rare in kids, but when we worry we overestimate risk. And this is my fear.

My fear is that he will have to go have all kinds of tests,,, and I will be worried thoughout. I love him and my family, and I fear something will be wrong with him. And I fear my worry will take away my ability to be a good dad.

19-09-13, 21:06
Hi that sounds very much like my daughter she had a little bump about 3 inch above her belly button and she had it from birth and I knew what it was but the doctors keep telling us it was a fatty deposit from birth that would vanish in time.

But I knew all along it was a hernia and yes it was in the end.. some hernias in children will go in time but some may need to be removed.. if it is a hernia it will be done quickly and my daughter had hers removed and was home the same day right as rain.

So it could be a common hernia

21-09-13, 00:23
Thank you!
Back from dr. Dr thinks it is just a lipoma. It feels like it is in the skin, and moves with his finger. It doesn't feel like a hernia. They will do an ultrasound to be sure. Still nervous for ultrasound, but will take it as good news for nw.

22-09-13, 04:39
Keep us informed Sounds like your doctor isn't concerned That's a good thing.