View Full Version : What does a skipped beat feel like?

18-09-13, 15:18
I would like to know some personal experiences with them. I have lately been having this weird symptom which is hard to describe...its like a hic up in a way, and i have issues swallowing when this occurs. I have felt my heart skip a beat with my own hand (today i felt it twice during some anxiety) and i sometimes felt that same symptom. Been happening quite a bit lately and its worrying it, doesn't cause any pain and only lasts a second. Anyone else think this symptom is heart related?

To more accurately describe the sensation, its similar to trying to burp, only without the burp if you get what i mean heh :P.

18-09-13, 15:27
I had palpatations when I had an anxiety attack, felt like a missed heart beat then a thud as it comes back in again. Also got a fluttering feeling in my chest like my heart was beating really fast but only for a few seconds. I've also had issues swallowing when I'm really anxious, almost like my throat won't work but I know it does cos I can drink when this happens.

I think it's all stress related and having a palpitation can feel really scary. Think it's just your body panicking.

See the Dr if you're really worried but I know people can have palpatations and it be completely harmless cos I've asked my Dr.

18-09-13, 15:58
Thankfully i havn't had any palpitations lately, at least not at random (had one due to exercise this morning). Just from the mistake of reading all these symptoms i felt that any little thing was a sign of a heart disorder.

28-09-13, 11:54

yes my palps feel like yours like i want to burp. Like a squeezing sensation, then a flutter in the throat or a huge bit heart beat.

I have had them like this for about 5 yrs sometimes i can deal with them and brush them off other times i get in a real state about them.

I am going for a job interview next week and if i think about the actual interview i can get that fluttery burp feeling.

Hope this puts your mind at rest.
