View Full Version : Crying with worry over MND /AS

18-09-13, 15:32
Sad upset moment where I think I have the above!!
I have all symptoms.
I have had a feeling of wet area in my leg for a week. Tingles in feet and should blade.
I actually feel so upset and worried!
Why can't I just switch off!!!!!

I don't want to die but I feel I may as well be dead as this is not living.

I'm not sure if I want reassurance, similar people commenting or someone to hit me. Bit what I do know is that this is my only place to let it out x


18-09-13, 17:34
Hi honey. I totally understand - I currently "have" lung cancer despite being 29 and 3 separate doctors examining me and saying my chest sounds great, my bloods are great and my oxygen levels are great. But what do they know eh, when Dr Google is sure I have 9 months to live. :blush: the symptoms you have could be caused by anything including stress. I currently have a virus and ache all over, especially my left shoulder. Have you seen a doctor honey? X

18-09-13, 18:02
Just thought I'd say I have these patches on my legs I call them hot spots because it feels like I have hot water being poured on my leg I also get tingles in my left leg aswell as twitches and terrible muscle pain in my knees and elbows x

18-09-13, 18:12
I've not been to GP as I went not long ago with a separate issue and now I feel they wouldn't believe me.
I feel like my throat ha closed up :-(
I just feel tearful about it, and in two minds whether to start antidepressants!

I think I'm concerned as I have had it over a week, and not gone. So I think "it's worse its progressing." I feel like I'm finding the worst illness possible and applying it to me!
It's hard when your trying not to cry :-(

18-09-13, 19:05
I've had it got over 12 months when I first went to the doctor he said your not making any sence that was it Ive booked an appointment for Friday but its a locom doctor and they can't do anything so don't no why I'm going x

18-09-13, 19:09
They said your symptoms made no sense?

What I find hard now, is getting tearful in work :-(

18-09-13, 19:16
dear panic person im not going to patronise you and say stop worrying because you cant sweetie you have health anxiety so lets say there may be some symptoms that you feel scared about but i bet there are some you dont have what happens is you home in to the ones you have or think you have and totally ignore the others I know ive done it so many times with loads of illnesses terminal and not ive made myself ill more times than you can count but MND is rare really and there are also lots of other explanations like nerve damage fibromyalgia and muscular problems of different kinds .I know its tough but when you go to docs tell them how crap you feel psychologically too.God bless

18-09-13, 20:41
Last week I spent most nights in tears because I had leukemia. I knew I had it. There was absolutely no other explanation at all for my symptoms (shin pain, body pain/tenderness, tiredness, constant sore throat, headaches etc. I was completely convinced, this had to be it.

Turns out I dont have it, at all. In any.way shape or form. But I was so convinced , like you said, I just wasnt living. Its soo hard to.say don't worry, but once I stopped worrying a lot of my symptoms slowly went away. Its so so hard, wishing you luck x

18-09-13, 21:56
Thank you, it's nice to have acknowledgement of a post when your feeling crap!

You didn't patronise me I get you. I think it's hard as my job actually involves working with ill people and sometimes young people. This makes me see the small percentage of people with MND and progressive MS, and it makes it more real.

Did you seek reassurance from a FP in order to be able to move on?x

18-09-13, 22:22
Yes those was his exact words to me and still I have those patches that come and go I literally have to check myself as it feels like I'm wet and as I write that I've got the head ache that causes those hot spots to come my face ho's numb and I have all kind of tingles and stuff going on x

19-09-13, 09:12
I find terminology doesn't help: numbness: is that when you can't feel the area if someone is touching it?
Weakness: is that when you can feel your limbs but they ate too weak to lift/move?
Tingles: like the little vibrating feeling and similar to pins and needles?

19-09-13, 09:57
Sad upset moment where I think I have the above!!
I have all symptoms.
I have had a feeling of wet area in my leg for a week. Tingles in feet and should blade.
I actually feel so upset and worried!
Why can't I just switch off!!!!!

I don't want to die but I feel I may as well be dead as this is not living.

I'm not sure if I want reassurance, similar people commenting or someone to hit me. Bit what I do know is that this is my only place to let it out x


Hi the symptoms you have are all sensory and mnd does not progress in that way so in answer to that no you don't have mnd in my opinion.

What you have said though does point to a possible trapped nerve (minor) but mainly anxiety.

I have had all the same symptoms as you in the past, the feeling if cold water running down the leg is a strange one I had to keep checking.

19-09-13, 10:17
Thanks purgatory.
Yeah I have started to look at things around this. I def have the tingles and the wet feeling. I noticed that I can't move/separate my little toe on my right foot but I think it's always been like that!?! Mmm!
I keep thinking, is it numb or is it weakness, as I can feel my limbs but they don't feel right. Although I can move them all (but a little toe!!)

19-09-13, 10:34
Yes the sensations are as you describe x

19-09-13, 10:41
panicperson, I've been through this myself in the last few weeks, even to the point that I've been strength testing every finger and muscle.

Over the weekend I painted my kitchen walls and ceiling. I did this without too much trouble. I figured that if I had MND I would not have been able to. A few quotes I've found helpful from around the place are -

if you can go about your day to day activities without too much trouble, you do not have MND (quoted to someone else by a neurologist)

ALS is about failing (to do things) rather than feeling, ie you don't feel like you can't do something, you actually can't do it - turn a key, lift a pencil etc.

I'm not a doctor, but your symptoms sound sensory, ALS does not affect sensory nerves.

I've decided my symptoms are more than likely carpal tunnel syndrome or a pinched nerve in my neck. I can do 5 pushups on my fingers, I can bicep curl 10KG in each hand, I can touch type, and I can help move my disabled wife around the house (inc in and out of the bath). I've almost convinced myself I'm ok!

How old are you?

19-09-13, 13:56
Thank you for this.
I am 28!
I can do things at present although I think it feels different but think that's in my mind!
I am in an enjoyable but stressful job so maybe this doesn't help although I consciously don't think it does :-/

19-09-13, 14:00
Do you get a fuzzy head feeling a lot?!
That what I am getting plus some other sensations and weird symptoms :( I'm 29 so similar age - I'm so scared ;(

19-09-13, 14:33
What about ms though - much more likely to get that I'm guessing - that's what scares me :(

19-09-13, 14:35
What about ms though - much more likely to get that I'm guessing - that's what scares me :(

I started with that one!

I'm not sure of the odds, but it still an incredibly rare disease!

19-09-13, 14:38
My fuzzy head and other symptoms MUST be something I can't accept anxiety as a cause, I know my body ! It's just not right bit what do you do when the doctor won't accept it :(

19-09-13, 14:40
My fuzzy head and other symptoms MUST be something I can't accept anxiety as a cause, I know my body ! It's just not right bit what do you do when the doctor won't accept it :(

at the risk of hijacking this thread, have you read the MS sticky at the top of the forum? It helped me immensely.

19-09-13, 15:36
Yeah thanks I have it's great but it doesn't help how awful I feel - it's really so tough :(

19-09-13, 16:33
MS is horrible disease but if any, I'd prefer that than MND or AS, as that's final and progressive short term leading to death. Some people with MS it doesn't affect them for 30 years or more.
I'm still sat here with my dizzy spells my toggling feet and funny cheek!
Glad I have CBT tonight x

19-09-13, 16:52
Anxiety is a strange beast and it can cause symptoms that mimic many illness. But in the end most of us just share anxiety and we have to learn to except that before we can move on.

I have a massive list of so called symptoms that I have had that point to a deadly disease and have test done as the doctor has thought the same at times and it has just been a case of anxiety and the mind mixing things up.

Cbt could be the best way forward

19-09-13, 18:18
Yeah I get the anxiety making symptoms, but its just hard when you don't think they are related at the time. So when I feel ok all is ok. Then I get a symptom ie tingles in leg, then that makes me anxious. So how do I get the symptom prior to the anxiety?
I once wanted a body CT scan but now realised that I probably would still want something next. It wouldn't end. I also read that ct scans are bad for health anxiety as your body may have harmless lumps and bumps and if we picked up on this it would cause further anxiety!

I think I may start a healthier diet to try to prevent things x

20-09-13, 06:21
After a tearful CBT session I feel I have let sone things out!
But it was felt that I should step away from this site!
Thanks for your help and support x

20-09-13, 21:00
panic person hope you are feeling a bit better i also work within a hospital in an outpatients dept and we see cancer and everything so i know where you are coming from they say alot of junior doctors in training end up thinking they have allsorts so maybe it comes with the territory a bit God bless

13-10-13, 10:52
How's everyone getting on?
I'm having a little blip if worry.
Still my leg twitches and tightness.
But also still the strange hot cold sensation

All I want for Christmas is my HA to go.....

13-10-13, 11:35
There's a lot of validity concerning stepping away from the stimuli that triggers symptoms or causes you angst. I frequented a couple of oral cancer websites and while I still pop in here and again, I'm not on them as often as I was for my own mental health. Seeing so many others suffering and reliving my ordeal was not boding well for my mental health.

Sounds like you're doing better. Good to see!