View Full Version : Armpit pain

18-09-13, 18:12
I have the same pain under my left arm pit it comes and goes and I just saw my doctor about it and he is sending me for an ultra sound he felt around and felt nothing and is checking my blood CBC I'm very worried now. I'm scared they will find something can anyone help me? My anxiety has been through the roof lately. I'm sitting outside the doctors office in my car in the rain booked the appointment and got in within 2 days which also scares me. When I saw my doctor I wanted to really talk to him about my health anxieties. I always chicken out though. Can anyone help me, Please!!
I need some reasureaance and badly.

18-09-13, 18:38
Go back to your Dr & tell him how you feel. He won't be surprised and he'll know all about it. My Dr took one look at me (I burst into tears) & she knew straight away.

They really can help, it's a very common problem and it isn't until you start to talk about it that you realize loads of people suffer with anxiety of one sort or another and it's people you wouldn't expect to suffer with it.

You think you're alone but you're not.

Big hugs hunni

19-09-13, 12:40
My mind is on the they got me in so fast. Then I wonder maybe the doctor did find somthing and not of told me to spare me and maybe..... I'm so tired of this and thinking rational isn't easy by far for me. I got to work today and that's going to be so hard to do. My ultra sound app. Is tomorrow and I had my doc. App. Yesterday I'm very anxious. My mother bought me a natural chewable tablet called GABA. Anyone used this before? I took one then another before bed and then fell right to sleep.

25-04-16, 21:39
I know this is old, but my pain my doctor assumed was hormones. Another doctor found a lymph node but said it wasn't concerning. I have had two blood tests and all good. But the anxiety is eating me

16-07-16, 16:12
My Armpit ultrasound was fine. Nothing at all. Trust your doctor your more then likey fine.