View Full Version : Thyroid and blood problems.

18-09-13, 18:19

So a little about me. I've had an anxiety and panic disorder since I was sixteen. I'm now 28, it comes and go's depending how busy my life is, if I'm busy and happy I don't really panic that much if not then I panic to the extreme.

This problem has affected my life for nearly thirteen years. Recently I have had extreme dizziness, derealisation and depersonalisation, intrusive thoughts and continuous anxiety. I started getting very tired, weak and felt sick about a month or so ago and I thought it was due to how stressed I was. I went to the Docs anyway just to be sure and he did some blood tests. They came back inconclusive so I had to come back for more.
Anyway I went back last week as he had requested to see me and he told me there is something wrong. Its very confusing but I will try to explain, My actual thyroid is ok but the hormone that controls my thyroid is very high the normal level is 0-60 mine is 284! I have high blood sugar and glucose levels and some other tests came back very low.
Its so confusing and I'm really not sure what Is going on. The worst thing is, is that I now have to wait until the 5th of December to see a endocrinologist at hospital.

I'm just very worried and my dizziness is getting worse, it almost feels like I'm going to pass out or fall over.
I know most of us aren't doctors but I wondered if anyone else had experienced this sort of thing? And do you think that's what's causing my high levels of anxiety and panic.
I will admit I am scared as I just don't know what it all means and what's going on. I know that's why I'm going to see a specialist but its just so long away. Im starting a new job soon and I really don't want how I feel to affect it in any way.

Sorry for the long and confusing post.
Hannah x x

18-09-13, 19:44
Wow, having to wait that long is really awful. However, that must mean it's nothing terribly urgent. Your GP may be able to offer some short term relief perhaps with medication if you're feeling very bad.

Thyroid problems can absolutely cause anxiety/panic and symptoms that feel like anxiety/panic, as well as fatigue, weight gain, etc. I bet that once you get on some medication to sort this out, you will feel much better.

18-09-13, 20:16
Hi Hannah. I have hypothyroidism - which means I have an underactive thyroid. My thyroid doesn't produce enough hormones and so I have to substitute with medication - thyroxine. I'm wondering if the test was for thyroid antibodies? Anyway I don't want to confuse you with jargon and such as it's best for the Endo to talk to you and explain everything.

Here is a great website with lots of info, if you want to research a little more about the subject; http://www.thyroiduk.org.uk/tuk/index.html

Mine was detected 4 years ago and I was extremely depressed and anxious at the time. One of the biggest symptoms is anxiety/depression - along with many others!

It has taken some time to regulate mine properly but I do feel much better now - so there is light at the end of the tunnel. Anything is scary if you don't know about it or understand it, but it's very common :)

All the best :)

18-09-13, 20:51
Hi xvolitileheart and breezy, thank you so much for your replies.

Yes I think the blood test that came back high was for Thyroid antibodies. Thank you for the link Breezy, there is a lot of very useful information on the site. Can I ask, did your anxiety go reduce a lot when you started the Thyroid medication? Im just so confused because my Doctor said the results are so strange he doesn't know whats going on!!

Thank you both again
Hannah x x

18-09-13, 21:04
My anxiety has reduced but I am also on fluoxetine and have been for the same amount of time. I've also had CBT which has helped tremendously with the anxiety. To be fair I've been an anxious person most of my life anyway, so it's not a great indication in my case! I've heard of others feeling better once their meds are stabilised. I would also say that most GP's I've seen do not really understand thyroid and all the numbers, so don't worry about that too much :) x