View Full Version : Really scared about nausea.

18-09-13, 20:16
Last month I had nausea for quite a while and posted on here as I was getting worried. I had had diarrhea and sickness prior and it did eventually subside so I forgot about it.
Until last Wednesday when it came back and has been there everyday except Monday. All I can think of is the C word, low/high blood pressure and heart issues. I'm so fed up.
I can't see how this would be normal. Today and yesterday I also felt a strange sensation that I may faint (although u have fainted before and it felt different). I am so worried and have mentioned this twice to the doctor who didn't seem concerned but I can't stop worrying. I spent about 2 hours late last night googling nausea. I didn't even get morning sickness with my daughter so why is I getting it now? Also I am 100% not pregnant.

---------- Post added at 20:16 ---------- Previous post was at 18:34 ----------

Anybody have anything similar?

18-09-13, 20:40
I get terrible nausea with anxiety.

18-09-13, 20:45
Thanks Annie. Do you get it even when you aren't anxious? I've had 3 ok weeks due to switching medication then bam this again :-(

18-09-13, 21:32
Only when my ibs is bothering me, but anxiety can be lurking there even when we think it isn't :)

19-09-13, 08:36
Nauseated again this morning :-(
I hate this and my partner keeps saying it's because I'm thinking about it but I'm not actually thinking about it when it comes round. Also it doesn't disappear when I occupy myself.
It's not bad enough that I can't eat but it's bad enough that I'd notice it no matter what I was doing.
I was only at the doctors on Friday I don't really want to pester him again, I just can't stop thinking of cervical and ovarian cancer.

19-09-13, 10:28
You said you had diarrhea and sickness before it - a tummy bug? Just asking, as I had nausea on and off after a tummy bug for literally 2 months. Actually, maybe slightly more. It came and went - some days almost normal, other days really couldn't face eating. I never actually threw up but had some days of feeling very very queasy. I had the bug end of June/start of July, and it's only in the last fortnight that I've felt like my appetite is back to more or less normal and I'm not feeling queasy. I found it was a lot worse just before and during my period as well. One thing that can cause a bit of nausea (and a feeling of faintness/dizziness) is low iron levels - which aren't necessarily a sign of anything horrible! My doc says a lot of women who have periods have low iron levels, and then if you've had a bug and aren't eating properly, it can make it worse...

19-09-13, 11:17
Hi Emlica, yeah I had sickness early August. Do you think it could just be the backlog from that? It's so worrying I never knew this could go on for so long.
Yep last Wednesday when it came back I felt so ill I had to lie down for an hour. I e

19-09-13, 11:32
I would suggest trying probiotics for at least a month. If you've had a stomach bug and your tummy still isn't right after all this time, probiotics can help to balance out the bacteria in your gut. I'm taking some at the moment after having gastritis

19-09-13, 12:08
No, I never knew it could go on so long either :( When I've had tummy bugs in the past, it's been a few days of feeling rubbish but then by the following week back to 'ok, starving hungry now, feeeeeed meeeee'. But not this time. I was quite worried - been to the docs a few times with it, had all sorts of tests, but nothing. Doc says that some bugs just mess with your digestion and it can take a while to get back to normal. TMI, but my bug was mainly 'downwards', and along with the nausea for a couple of months I also had altered bowel habits (still not sure they're quite back to normal actually!). I did find - still do find - some food affects me. Have to be careful with milk, for example, and I can't have loads of sugary or rich food. Maybe worth seeing if there's anything that seems to make you worse. I'm taking probiotic yoghurt, but just the ordinary Actimel stuff, plus a multivitamin with a probiotic. I don't know how much it really helps, but it can't do any harm I guess!

I suppose if it gets worse (or if you start getting any other symptoms of anything) it would be worth going back to the doctor though - the thing is, with mine, I didn't find it got noticeably better from one day to the next; it was really up and down and the improvements were more along the lines of going from feeling queasy every day one week, to maybe only 5 or 6 days out of 7 a fortnight later, etc. And like I said, definitely affected by my menstrual cycle, so I'd think things were looking up, and then I'd get my period and feel a bit rubbish again (I suspect iron levels were involved in that as well).

19-09-13, 12:25
Thanks guys I will defo try probiotics as my CBT therapist recommended them for something else too so good idea.
Also Emlica I can had 2 or 3 week's with no nausea then it came back. I'll try the yoghurt things though and if still here I'll go back to Docs. My bowel habits are different too Emlica I get a little bad stomachs before I need the loo hehe.