View Full Version : Can a change of lifestyle cure anxiety?

18-09-13, 22:33
This is what I'm wondering. My friend as had anxiety disorder for about 3 years! Won't take medication and hasn't really had any professional help. Thing is. He use to be one of the most outgoing people u knew until he got his own flat, now he don't work, he don't go out really, just sits infringing of his tv playing video games and eating ALOT of junk food! He doesn't wrk out. He doesn't take any vitamin pills like vitamin b complex. And generally slobs about. He is extremely overweight. About 25 stone (350lbs) I think. And he smokes. If he changed all of that for the better, surely he would be cured of anxiety, I've spoken to him as a sufferer of anxiety myself. And nothing ever happened in his life to trigger the anxiety and panic attacks. From the the things he says, I figure he knows what he needs to change in life to be healthy as he is concerned about his health which obviously makes anxiety worse.

Could a change in lifestyle be his "citaloptam" / cure?

18-09-13, 23:04
From my own personal view...

I believe life is what you make it.

I have recovered from Agoraphobia and quite frankly, when i look back, i actually invited it in.

When i look back on my pregnancy with my youngest child, i seized it as an excuse to not go to functions or get togethers, what was the point, i felt i couldn't socialise properly, i couldn't drink so what was the point, i very slowly became comfortable in my own world at home.

By the time i did have my baby and went in the outside world, i didn't like the feelings of being "outside my bubble"..... so agoraphobia came along, making me feel that being outside was an uncomfortable place..... and so the story begins.

I do believe we get "complacent" in our own lives, i believe it is an accumulation of things that set us in our ways.

I ended up in a situation, where i had to change my lifestyle and forced me into tackling my demons head on......it worked!

The key is whether we want to take on these demons, they feel so scary, the feeling of anx and panic, but i have been there and got through it.

Exercise, determination, a few tears and wobbly legs on the journey, but it can be overcome.

In my own personal journey to recovery a change of lifestyle was the key.

Di x

19-09-13, 12:40
Yes it can be the reason, I caused my own anxiety, I stopped socialising, I retreated into my own world. I fed the anxiety, and it kept coming back, I've had brief periods of recovery when I broke through and forced myself to go out and meet people. It went for a while but then I always go back to not doing enough to improve my life, and now I am back here again.

19-09-13, 14:28

The lifestyle changes do the same things as the drugs, only in a more permanent way if you stick to the changes.

Meds are only supposed to be a temporary help, when you're overwhelmed and can't cope, or to help you get through a particularly difficult time in your life. But they're not the full answer.

It's really lifestyle change and working on the anxiety that will help you regain control in a more powerful way, because you'll have made the changes yourself.

These changes are more easier said than done, I know this from my own experience! But I believe that they're the answer.

The key is learning about how anxiety works on the body & mind, learning how to combat it (meditation, relaxation etc.), getting professional help if needed (CBT, psychotherapy ect.) and exploring our own personal relationship with anxiety.

I'm working hard on it, it's tough, but I hope to get there.

19-09-13, 15:29
I don't know about cure, but yes I do think a change in lifestyle could help your friend. However, I also think you've got to tread gently in situations like these. His lifestyle may be a symptom of his illness, rather than the cause of it. And when you're struggling with anxiety (and possibly depression too), changes are hard to make. Motivation can be a serious issue in depression, and with anxiety it can take mense strength to break away fom your comfort zone.

One thing that's very hard to hear when you're ill is, "I had that and did this and now I'm cured." I'm sure you're trying to do the best for your friend, but sometimes what is needed is simply acceptance and just to be heard. So maybe a very gentle approach might yield better results for your friend.

He's lucky to have you as a friend when he has isolated himself. I'll bet he values you staying in touch a lot.