View Full Version : Sudden burt of dizzy

18-09-13, 22:43
hey guys, over that past few weeks this has become pretty much a daily thing, maybe a couple of times in a day or more I will get a burt of dizzyness for a few seconds, up to about 10 maybe.
Really dont know why this is happening, it's like a brain flip type but different, not so much dizzy as if you've been spinning but a different kind..hard to explain.
I also have tinnitus if that has any connection, but when my tinnitus started I never used to feel as much dizzyness as this.

19-09-13, 13:19
hey guys, over that past few weeks this has become pretty much a daily thing, maybe a couple of times in a day or more I will get a burt of dizzyness for a few seconds, up to about 10 maybe.
Really dont know why this is happening, it's like a brain flip type but different, not so much dizzy as if you've been spinning but a different kind..hard to explain.
I also have tinnitus if that has any connection, but when my tinnitus started I never used to feel as much dizzyness as this.

It might help if you can figure out what exactly you're doing when this happens - is it a particular movement with your head or body, or is it when you're driving, watching something moving, or in a crowd.

It also helps if you can explain how it makes you feel - does the room spin, or is it more of a spinning sensation in your own head, does it feel like rocking on a boat?

The tinnitus may or may not be connected, it's not unusual to have both together. Is the tinnitus high pitched or low, is it constant or does it get louder with the dizzy bursts.

Observing it will help you or your doctor figure out what it is, I know it can be hard to figure out though! :)

19-09-13, 14:30
Well it's pretty random, happens when I'm standing up or even sat down. And it generally only lasts a couple of seconds. The room doesn't spin, it's more of a spinning sensation in my head.
And my tinnitus is high pitched and always constant, it's actually gotten slightly louder the past few days (probably because I wore headphones)

06-05-20, 19:03
Hi all, last week Tuesday, so about 10 days ago I started getting balance issues, rocking and swaying in the end. To cut a long story short, I have spoken to a Dr on the phone and he mentioned it's most likely virual labrynthitus that can appear with a viral ear infection.

I've been given medication for anti-sickness/anti-motion, however these are only so good and don't necessarily treat the vertigo sensation directly.

Prior to this, my health anxiety has been sky high and constantly worrying about other issues, chest pain, leg pain etc etc.

I now keep thinking this is a brain tumour or something more serious. The GP hasn't physically seen me yet due to Coronavirus, so they are trying to limit the people they see, however he did mention, if it has not gone by next week then I will have to go in for further examination.

I don't know how common these condition is, or for how long it generally lasts, but if anyone has gone through similar symptoms or had the same thing I would like to hear your opinions on this and any advice on how to go through my day to day life.

I work in an office, so I'm constantly staring at a computer screen which obviously isn't going to help someone if they are constantly swaying.

On top of all this and probably the worrying I now have a pressure headache on the top of my head, which feels like someone is pushing down on my head with their hands and that isn't helping my health anxiety at all.

Any advice/help is always helpful, many thanks.

06-05-20, 19:24
Somewhat a recurrent theme (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?142066-Sudden-burt-of-dizzy) for you?

Positive thoughts

06-05-20, 19:37
Somewhat a recurrent theme (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?142066-Sudden-burt-of-dizzy) for you?

Positive thoughts

This is definitely different, I know it's hard to believe especially when someone already has health anxiety, but this is just constant swaying/rocking.

I don't remember that post unfortunately my memory isn't that good haha but from reading it, it looks like that was those brain flips/sudden flips you get in your brain where you feel like you're going to fall. Although looking back now I wish it was that :( what I have now seems a bit more substantial, in terms of there's an actual diagnoses, rather than anxiety.

06-05-20, 21:29
This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.
