View Full Version : My progress after 7 weeks off...

18-09-13, 22:51
At the beginning of July, I chatted with my doctor and we decided that it was OK for me to wean off of 20mg citalopram. Over the course of July I tapered from 20mg to 15 to 10 to 5 (for a few days) then to 0.

The first two weeks I was getting brain zaps and headaches like crazy. I still went to work and tried to stay active but it was tough. Week 3 and 4 I started developing flu/cold symptoms though I'm not sure if it was withdrawal or me being actually sick with a cold. Throughout the process my insomnia which caused me to go on citalopram in the first place came back but instead of taking Ambien I took a low dose of benadryl each night and it seemed to help somewhat.

Fast forward to today where this Friday will be 7 weeks off completely. I still get the "shocks" every now and then but they have greatly reduced in intensity and frequency. I have periods of nervousness and restlessness but they seem to go away after a few minutes and not send me down a spiral like before. I'm now sleeping without medication or aids though I have to admit, it could be better (waking up on some nights after 3 hours and can't go back to sleep) but for the most part, getting 5-6 hours a night.

Every day seems to be better than the day before. I told myself that I would give myself about 3 months to see where I'm at and that if I needed to go back, that there would be no harm. But from what seemed like a crappy experience a few weeks ago, I stuck with staying positive and now feel a lot better than I did.

My advice to those of you who have just quit and are having trouble coping is to stick with it. Yes, you will feel like crap. What helped me was taking a week off shortly after my last dose and went home to see my family to destress and just relax without the worries of anything. I told myself that it is worth having some discomfort for a few weeks for a lifetime benefit. Think about yourself like an athlete who just suffered a broken arm and just needs a few weeks or months to heal before he can get back on the field again.

I'm hoping that at the end of October (my self-imposed "checkpoint") I will be on the road to full recovery and feel like myself again.

Good luck, everyone!

19-09-13, 11:37
It is very encouraging to hear your story, I started to come off of citalopram in April from 20mg, did a month on 15, a month or should have been, on 10 and really should have been off of them by the end of July but I am still stuck on 10, every new packet of tablets I get I say to myself that I am going to do it this time, the thing that has put me off is the 2nd week on 10mg was bad but ever since I've been OK, silly really. Thanks for sending this post:)