View Full Version : Dose increase on venlafaxine anxiety side effect :(

19-09-13, 02:14
Hi guys I'm just looking for some advice I was prescribed venlafaxine a month ago 37.5 twice a day but since my dose has been increased to 75 mg morning 37.5 mg at night I have been getting really bad anxiety and restlessness I have been on the dose for 16 days but it doesn't seem to be settling should I stick with it? just can't function good because I feel so panicky how much longer is this likely to continue for? my consultant wants to get me to 150mg then add mirtazapine with it combo has a slang name called Californian rocket fuel lol

19-09-13, 09:08
Hi it sounds like typical side effects, when i started venlafaxine and with every increase my anxiety used to rocket, it should settle down soon, have you any diazepam you can take to help you through? Venlafaxine is a very good med but in my opinion a slow working one so just hang on in there things will get better i promise x x

19-09-13, 12:08
No the drs where I live refuse to give diazepam out they try to give me permethazine but can't take it I hope it settles I didn't go to collage today :(

21-09-13, 16:42
Hi shadow hope ur feeling better xx