View Full Version : Hi guys, anyone from Sheffield?

19-09-13, 03:54
Hi guys, have posted on here before but wondered if anyone on here is from or near Sheffield? I dunno about you guys, but I find it a comfort to know people nearby!

Gem x

19-09-13, 20:39
Hi Gem
I'm a Sheffield gal!
Sal x

19-09-13, 23:03
Hey!! :yahoo:Chesterfield here - 20 minutes away, with a daughter who works just off Eccy Road... Would love to meet up sometime.

20-09-13, 15:27
Hi Speranza
I work off Eccy road too when I'm in Sheffield. I work in Warrington 3 days a week. I'm in bradway so even nearer to chesterfield! From your posts I'm guessing we are a similar age. Not sure about Gem, the name makes me think younger but not that that makes any difference. A meet up would be nice.
Sal x

13-01-14, 22:51
Hi guys! So so sorry for the delay (getting used to finding my own posts again now LOL). Brill glad to know you guys live/work close by! Yeah, I would love to meet up sometime. It's nice to have people that understand and you can talk to! So thanks, ooh I'm so excited! hehe. I'm 25 Sal, how about you? xx

Again, sorry for the late reply, hopefully I'll be quicker now I've figured it out lol!

13-01-14, 23:35
Wish I lived nearer so I could join you all!

14-01-14, 17:37
Hi Gem
I'm 51 so old enough to be your mum! I consider myself an old hat at all this so would be happy to lend you an ear.

You could start a thread like Gem did for people living near you but always happy to chat through NMP


14-01-14, 20:25
Hi Darby

Yes, there's a thread for people nearer me. I've done a few meetups through here and they've been great!

15-01-14, 11:24
Aww sorry Lizzie! Where abouts are you? And that's great to hear you've done some meet ups and they've been great! :) x

Hi Darby, hehe, thanks very much, muchly appreciated and same goes to you too. xx

09-06-14, 19:51
I'm from Sheffield too. Would be nice to meet similar people who understand this whole thing. Message me if you fancy it.