View Full Version : This head feeling won't shift :(

19-09-13, 13:46
I have what feels like so much pressure in between my eyes, it makes me feel dizzy and horrible - I can't walk round the shops with out feeling I'm in a bubble, I don't know where to turn or what to do next this feeling is pretty much 24/7 and then in between I have weird skin sensations maybe like once a day :(

Plus the floaters in my eyes, I can't believe its anxiety I just don't feel I'd be anxious with out the pains and sensations - i can't think anything but mS - my MRI scan earlier this year must of changed I just am at rock bottom panicking!


20-09-13, 18:47
Hello Gee, ... well you're not alone with this one. I have these sensations and each time it happens I question the reasons (i.e. google and then self diagnose the worst!!)... and over the past few years they come and go. So what I'm suggesting to you is that they are stress related even though you might not recognise the cause of stress ... sometimes it just comes and takes over our bodies and minds and manifests itself with all types of unpleasant - but not imagined - aches, pains, numbness, nausea, you name it ... don't worry the 'bubble' you experience will pass. Just check into this website every now and again for reassurance.