View Full Version : Little girl in my classroom was sick today!

19-09-13, 14:38
I have slight Emetophobia and today I was sitting with a little girl who said she had a tummy ache.

I took her hand to take her to the sick room and on the way down she thew up ll over the floor and herself.

I am so worried I will get sick now :(
What are the chances?
They had been swimming in the morning so she could have swallowed some chlorine?

:( :( I don't want to catch anything.

---------- Post added at 14:38 ---------- Previous post was at 14:04 ----------

I feel as though I'm covered in germs

19-09-13, 15:15
Hi, I think most people have slight Emetophobia..

But I think the chances that you have caught anything are extremely small.

Maybe she had eat something the night before that did not agree with her or maybe she was just sick for no reason (it does happen).

I think you will be fine but the more you think about it the more you will feel that you maybe sick..

Try not to think on it and move on.

19-09-13, 15:23

Could chlorine make a child sick if they had swallowed a lot of it?

19-09-13, 15:33
The amount of chlorine used today in swimming pools is very little.

But at the same time yes if she swallowed to much it possible could but I would think it would be just a case of a plain old tummy trouble.

Also if she had swallowed to much pool water when she was sick it would have had a chlorine smell about is and I think you would have known.

Again try not to worry about it and don't return to this thread as it will only remind you about it and make you think more about it and that is not good...

19-09-13, 15:38
It's easier said than done though isn't it? :(

I dread getting sick, it really upsets me, I don't know why.

Well yes I didn't mean the chlorine so much but just the swallowing of quite a lot of water while swimming.

19-09-13, 15:55
It's easier said than done though isn't it? :(

Yes it is,, But it is something at time's we need to do

And as for the swallowing of quite a lot of water well she would have been sick very soon after if that was the case and I mean a few seconds to a minute or so

19-09-13, 16:31
I don't know if this is definitely the case but I would have thought that as with other viruses you actually have to ingest the virus to catch it either by hands to mouth, rubbing your nose/eyes etc.

So long as you wash your hands thoroughly and sterilize where she was sick you should be ok.

I stuck by those rules when my kids were little and had countless tummy bugs and I never actually caught one from them.

Just wash your hands a lot & don't rub you eyes etc.

19-09-13, 17:16
Thanks daisy.
I'm just worrying I may have rubbed my eyes in an involuntary action type of way or something.
Or scratched my face or something :(

I guess I will find out tomorrow if she is back in school or not.

---------- Post added at 17:16 ---------- Previous post was at 17:16 ----------

Yes it is,, But it is something at time's we need to do

And as for the swallowing of quite a lot of water well she would have been sick very soon after if that was the case and I mean a few seconds to a minute or so

I'm not sure it would be that quick :shrug:

19-09-13, 17:47
Hi last one for me :-)

If a child was swimming and swallowed a large quantity of water from any source the natural defence to regurgitate the water would almost be instant.

So I would say again I don't think the water in the pool would be the cause.

Also unless you had the child's vomit upon yourself I would say your save. As a parent my kids have vomited plenty times over me and bed clothes and so on and never once have I caught anything.