View Full Version : Still panicking about weight loss

19-09-13, 15:09
Apologies to those who may have read earlier posts of mine, have tried not to come here for a while to give everyone a rest from me constantly going on about the same thing.

The short story is I have lost loads of weight recently. It started when I had tummy problems for a while. In the end I went to the gp and because I had convinced myself that it was something serious she sent me for blood tests for stomach/bowel/pancreatic/ovarian cancer. She said it was the only way to put my mind at rest. The tests all came back fine but the reassurance I felt was very short lived.

Im going through a really stressful time and have been for quite a while. To say Im not coping would be an understatement. The gp has just changed my ADs again and has also given me diazepam and propranalol but the anxiety is totally out of hand. I wake up very early and straight away I am in full panic.

When i last saw the gp I brought up the weight loss again and she said its down to my anxiety. She said Im so wound up and pacing back and forth all the time that Im burning off any calories from the food I eat. Also my appetite is virtually non existant, I literally have to force food on myself.

I know I should see that the way things are is making me lose weight but I just cant. Im totally obssessed with it, wouldnt dare get on the scales or look in the mirror. I am making myself ill with the constant anxiety but dont seem able to stop.

19-09-13, 17:09
Although being able to post your fears has it's therapeutic benefits, the bottom line is it won't help alleviate the fear you have.

Only by taking the necessary steps like therapy, CBT and drug therapy can one truly address the issues you face. Based on your recent posts, it's obvious you're in extreme distress with things seemingly spiraling out of control.

Your GP has eliminated the chance of a serious illness and confirmed that this is your anxiety as you have in your post. Perhaps intervention is necessary at this point to help you gain control of your thoughts and emotions.

Good luck, positive thoughts and prayers.

19-09-13, 20:39
I understand what youre saying but Im feeling so bad I suppose Im just clutching at straws, just wanting to know that someone is listening. I feel very alone with my thoughts. Im very scared about the way Im feeling.

Im moving home on monday so have to register with a new gp and then find out if they can offer me any help. I cant afford to pay for private therapy. I am very worried about the inevitable long waiting list.

Its all just got too much and Im only on day 6 of the new meds so it will be a while before they start to have an effect.