View Full Version : Swallowing obsession back again.

19-09-13, 16:31
I was at a conference recently packed with people, and everyone was really quiet for the speaker, I started to get panicky and then I suddenly thought: "wouldn't it be a terrible, terrible thing if my swallowing thing started up again"... and then it happened. It started and then it kept going. All I could think about was my swallowing, I've also been anxious and stressed lately.

I have a few questions I have never been able to find the answer to. The prevailing wisdom is that it occurs automatically and it's only now that we're noticing it...

But what is the rate that it occurs automatically?

How come we never hear it when it occurs automatically, but it sounds so loud and feels like such a huge GULP when it's like this?

What is the difference between doing it naturally/automatically and doing it obsessively and panicky? Is there a gulp when you do it automatically, or is it more just like the saliva goes down your tongue without any gulp?

Can other people hear you swallowing and think it's disgusting and weird and worst of all catch it themselves and you would bring this nightmare on them for the rest of their lives? The last one sure sounds paranoid and ocd yes... but objectively there's a lot of sense to it too isn't there?

Now I've recorded it on microphones, and from what I've heard, it does seem like it's very low and hardly noticeable at all. It sounds a lot louder to the person who is actually doing it. So that's one consoling thing at least.

I remember before it got so bad that I wondered if I would ever be able to watch a tv programme or movie again without it flaring up at least once during it. And then it just gradually went away for years.

What is actually happening to me as an animal and how do I get rid of it???

15-01-14, 18:43
I know excatly what you're going through. you're not the only one... i've going through this for like 2 mothnts :( and i can't help but to think aabout swallowing.

28-01-14, 04:41
Hi, I'm Samantha. I have been going through this Since Aug 10th 2013 is whenever mine started. I was in a car wreck very very horrible, few weeks later my grandpa died, then had to have surgery a month later of thyroid Cancer. All in A month in a half. I Have a Ptsdo from all of that, and every since I have swallowing also...I am over coming my ptsdo but now I just have to get ride of the throat swallowing!! ANY help or ideas???

Its very embressing..& I have noone to talk to about this, If anyone would like to chat up about it, Just message me.

29-04-14, 17:51
I feel like this when I'm really really anxious, being able to do the whole swallowing action becomes hard and I cannot even swallow my own saliva. Due to this I cannot eat or drink in public. My saliva can build up in my mouth and it's just disgusting.