View Full Version : Delayed reaction to coming off meds?

19-09-13, 16:38
I came off Citalopram at the end of July, I didn't notice much of a difference if anything at all. But the last couple of weeks my anxiety has gotten much worse, not sure if its due to coming off Cit or not. I've been feeling like I'm going to break down and cry and feel very uncomfortable talking to people.

Has anyone experienced this after coming off cit?

I was on 20mg for about 8 months.

25-09-13, 15:00
I have experienced the same thing. I was only on 10mg citalopram for 6 weeks between December and January 2011/12, yet experienced horrible anxiety and a magnification of OCD thoughts around 6 weeks later. I had experienced the usual physical w/d symptoms before then (brain zaps etc) but thought that it was over - alas, it was not to be.

I had this bad anxiety for the next few months and had to go back on meds in the end. It seems like some people's brains take longer to readjust after SSRI induced changes than others. You could maybe try going back on 10mg (or even 5) to see if that makes any difference, and if you want off after that, taper very slowly.

little scientist
01-10-13, 11:31
I believe I had some kind of delayed reaction last year - I weaned off my medication around april/may time as I felt good, and the GP and I agreed it seemed a good step for me to take. However I then encountered a stressful period of my life which I believe caused a relapse, coupled with withdrawing from the medication. Ended up with 5 weeks off work!