View Full Version : Fluid in ears

19-09-13, 19:05
Does anyone know a reliable way to clear fluid that is trapped in the middle ear.

I suffer from ear infections and everytime I go to the doctors (because I get vertigo a lot) they always say "oh you have fluid in your ears, do some steam inhalation and it will clear".

The thing is it does subside for a few weeks but then it comes back I'm not sure if it's due to allergies that I have or because I had a really bad infection a few years ago and both my eardrums perforated. Ever since then I seem to have problems with getting fluid trapped.

Does anyone know much about this, I'm just getting fed up of the doctors saying the same thing over and over and I feel like I need to look at getting a more permanent solution.

Just wondered if there were any other sufferers out there and if so have you found anything that works.


19-09-13, 19:15
I have this. My GP suggested beconase nasal spray instead of the usual tablet anti histamine I take. When it was quite bad they gave me inhaled steroid which helped quite a bit. I find it a pain as I live in a particularly hilly area and the pressure changes hurt.

20-09-13, 22:28
I have this in both ears worse in left.

Went to see ENT about it and he gave me a nasal spray for 3 months and of it doesnt work he said he can do a small operation to drain the fluid.