View Full Version : New person here

19-09-13, 20:23
Nervous first post but think its time I do.

Until September last year everything was going great. Then with my line of work I had some set backs and was under a little pressure, nothing that bad but was a little stressful. Then one day in early november in Costa while waiting to pay for a coffee I suddenly felt very strange, like I was about to have a fit or seizure. It left like I was losing control and walked to the bathroom to control myself.

Since then its slowly got worse. I dont get anxious about anything in particular. I dont feel like im having a heart attack or worry about life etc. I think I worry about the anxiety?

I had to stop my job (pilot) as you can imagine and im just starting to get help. I have a therapy meeting tomorrow morning (cbt) and have been on beta blockers for about a month but they dont seem to do much. In the last 10 months no one has noticed any difference with me. I only told my partner about 5 months ago about it.

I dont really want to go on anti depressant meds or anything as that will mean it takes longer to get back to my job.

I also dont feel down or depressed, recently I have felt a little low but thats due to this stupid anxiety feeling! Its the head pressure that reminds me off the anxiety. Im pretty sure if that was gone then I would feel loads better.

Anyone else in a similar situation?

19-09-13, 20:30
:welcome:don't be nervous we are all lovely here:Dthere is lots of help and support

19-09-13, 20:47
:welcome: you will get lots of support here, it helped me so much. anxiety works in so many ways and the fact your aware of all yours i think is a step toward handling it. mine turns up for no reason either. don;t suffer alone lots of exellent advice in here. you will beat it! xx Lesley

19-09-13, 21:10
Thank you :)

One thing i forgot to add was that if I keep really really busy doing stuff during the day then when I stop doing stuff im almost wired? No anxiety but just wired.

19-09-13, 21:16
Hello and :welcome: to NMP :yesyes:

I think you most likely feel weird when you stop being busy cos all of those horrid scary thoughts then get chance to jump back into our heads hun. Distraction works a treat for me too, then when I'm in bed at night, I'll have my music on and just drift away with that :)

Lot's to read here and lots of help, support, comfort and advice to be had :hugs:

19-09-13, 21:46
Its important to try and relax when you stop being busy, i use mindfulness which helps me. i use Headspace and it works for me, there are lots of others that people use on here and you will be able to find more about them if you search. I am sure you will find lots of help. its finding what will work for you. xx