View Full Version : So my best friend gets married in 10 months!

19-09-13, 22:44
So she gets married in 10 months she's asked me to be made of honour and I'm delighted but all I can think is will I make it? As I have a thing about time 10 months and as ppl keep saying you never no what's round the corner how morbid ? I should be ecstatic over joyed in my mind I am but all I can think is will I get there for her from the day my son was born that's all I've thought will I see all his 1st's will I make it till he's 1 he turned 1 Friday 13th why do I think like this :( x

20-09-13, 13:38
Hi, illgetthere

I felt this way all the time, and yes we don't know if we will as you put "will I make it" the chances of you making it are very very high. After I had my son that's when my health anxieties came full force. I'm in the same boat as you, my cousin is getting married in 2015 which is so far away and she is going to Mexico and I've never been there and im a bridesmaid. I've never been a brides maid before and I'm very excited. I to often think I might not make it till then, I just want her to get married now.

My advice is don't think about it. I know you can't. You will be ok don't worry about it your going to have so much fun and you will be busy being a maid of honor, keep your self busy too. K! Everything will work out.:hugs::D

20-09-13, 19:29
Thank-you for replying it means a lot xx

20-09-13, 23:55
Your welcome.:)