View Full Version : Help Please - Bowel Movement Colour :!

20-09-13, 00:26
Hello , I really really hate being like this. I am so stressed about my health and I'm back to my bowel issues. I had a bowel movement this morning and it had pinkish / reddish patches on it. I am so freaked out right now and I can't concentrate on anything else. I keep thinking it is blood.

The only thing I have had yesterday that could contribute to this is that I had a medium - large-ish carrot juice yesterday but that was orange and it's supposed to turn your movements orange and not reddish?? Which is why I'm thinking it can't be. Has anyone had carrots that made their bowel movement orange? Everything I read says that it is supposed to turn your poop yellowish or orange but not reddish. I feel so faint right now from anxiety and would appreciate it if anyone has any similar experiences! I hate worrying about this and it's such a gross thing to be worried about as well I feel ashamed!

20-09-13, 00:33
If it was blood that you needed to worry about it would be black and not red so I am sure it is something you had eaten

Just see what the next one is like - this was probably a one-off

20-09-13, 01:11
Thank you ... I really hope you are right but I don't know why my mind keeps telling me that this can't be right because I didn't eat anything red except for that large carrot juice and why would it be red if it was orange ...

I'm going to see my GP next Wednesday for referral to a psych. I think my HA is a serious problem but for now I guess I'm trying to keep my freak out under control which is so difficult!

20-09-13, 01:52
Just see what the next one is like - this was probably a one-off

A "one-off"? Now that's funny! ~lol~

20-09-13, 02:49
I'm glad someone sees some humour in this. Anyone else had a similar experience?

20-09-13, 09:54
My Dr told me not to worry about reddish bits unless they stayed for a week.
red can be a scratch as well.
so many thimgs - just check your next BM!

20-09-13, 23:39
Ok I'm freaking out, I had another bowel movement today and there was still that reddish tinge. Can it STILL possibly be the carrot juice or something else? First of all carrot juice was a deep orange not reddish, and second of all the whole of yesterday I made sure not to eat anything that was even slightly red. So this is my second stool with reddish tinge. I am so upset I'm not sure what to think! Help?

20-09-13, 23:47
Have you eaten beets in the last few days? That will also turn things red.

20-09-13, 23:57
I have definitely not eaten any beets, the only thing I had was the medium large-ish carrot juice which was kind of a deep orange. But that's all.

21-09-13, 00:05
The best thing to do is see your doctor and they will do a stool sample test if necessary

21-09-13, 00:10
Thanks, it's the weekend and I'm freaking out and I can't get an appointment till next Wednesday :( I hate this feeling!

21-09-13, 00:33
Well nothing bad is going to happen over the weekend or even before your appointment next week

21-09-13, 04:55
Have you taken any OTC pain meds recently? Sometimes these give me a reddish hue to my stool. Also, any time I eat tomatoes or tomato sauce I get a reddish hue. I hope all is well!

21-09-13, 05:41
Hi Roady ... the only thing I am on is nexium an acid blocker for supposed gastritis which is not really doing anything for my upper abdominal symptoms... and definitely nothing tomatoe based due to my upper gi issues... now this reddish tinge. I am hoping it really is from carrot juice as I read it can stain orange ... but nothing says reddish ... still really anxious about it. :weep:

21-09-13, 13:44
There are several reasons that you may have a little red in your poo. Fissures or hemorrhoids being the most common. A hard push or strain can easily create a little tear. Foods, medications etc. can also cause a change in color. It's totally normal and nothing to be concerned about.

Blood in your poo, if it were a serious situation, would not be red. It would be black as tar. I had surgery to my neck and throat about 7 months ago. About 10 days out of surgery, a blood vessel blew up and I started bleeding pretty severely. I swallowed a lot of blood before they were able to get me in for emergency surgery to stop the bleeding. When I finally evacuated, it was obvious if you know what I mean.

If this were serious, you would be feeling pretty ill by now and wouldn't be writing about it. Take my advice and flush your worry down the drain ;)

23-09-13, 08:04
Thanks Fishmanpa ... things seem to have gone back to normal and I'm just going to put it down as the dark orange carrot juice that somehow ended up looking red after it went through my digestive system. It's been a relief but of course I am freaking out about other things now. I have a doctor's appointment on Wed and am thinking of getting on some meds as I can't stand this anxiety anymore. It totally gets in the way of my life and I wonder if meds has helped anyone or am I just going to get dependent on it ... or worse - if it doesn't work!

23-09-13, 08:54
Hello there if you are having carrot juice regular then I'm sure that will change stool colour .x

23-09-13, 15:39
I thought I would throw in my 2 cents. Im literally dealing with this right now. Not to be gross but I passed a very large hard bowel movement and felt a ripping sensation, low and behold there was blood on the TP, it wasnt questionable ether there was a good amount of blood. After doing a little checking I have a tear near the opening and it burns like crazy. So its pretty obvious I devloped a fissure. If you are super worried just go to the doc, But like i described there is other reasons for there to be blood. Aslo there are many reasons for a stool to have red specs and patchs when I went threw my bowel phase i thought blueberries where patchs of blood, Black berries will literally leave a red tinge to it and if you touch it with toliet paper it comes out blood red. Good luck XD

23-09-13, 15:48
this sounds disgusting i know but if you wait till next time and put some tissue in an old take away dish and catch some in that, you can throw it away after of course lol , u will then see for sure that its more than likely the carrot juice which has just darkened your poo, i suffer with UC and blood is quite heavy duty with that and you don't have to ask you can see its blood.