View Full Version : Wide awake

20-09-13, 02:57
I can't sleep yet again. Woke up feeling like I can't breath properly and now my whole body is buzzing all over inside. Fed up with this, I just want to sleep. Feel like I'm having a breakdown or something. My body just can't cope!

20-09-13, 06:10
Are you still awake, I've just woke with similar to what your experiencing:weep:
I used to get this most nights then it got to it only coming couple of times a month
I'm lying here trying to not let it scare me into thinking its back, my sleep pattern is awful
and I had only been asleep for 2 hours then woke suddenly and the panic starts to rise
then my whole body shakes my heart races and I'm so scared then after 20 minutes
it subsides but I'm left with not being able to breathe and have to keep coughing to
get my breath and it feels like there's fluid on my lungs.....it's so scarey
Does this sound like what you suffer with

20-09-13, 06:52
Hello thank you for your reply. It is a little similar yes. I spent ages getting out and back in bed trying to relax. Eventually dropped off only to feel like it again when I just woke up to get out to my little one. Feel really dizzy and weak.
Sometimes I only get the buzzy/shaking on its own though and that's when it worries me. No warning for it all and comes sometimes out of the blue

20-09-13, 12:45
hi, Im in exactly the same boat. Havent been sleeping for ages and the last 2 nights have had about an hour then awake, took diazepam at 4am and still was up at 5. Had 6 hours sleep altogether over the last 2 nights.

I feel like Im losing my mind and am very scared so I know how youre feeling.

I really hope that you get some decent sleep tonight.

20-09-13, 13:44
Today my head is so muddled and weird, I've had about the same
amount of sleep has you ( had enough) but I have suffered really badly
with lack of sleep for the last 2/3 years
I don't know how we all keep functioning:weep: has any one taking
any sleeping tablets, I so wish I had the guts to take something, the GP
gave me 2 weeks zoplicone but to scared to take:scared15:

20-09-13, 15:14
I really feel for all of you. I have experienced this myself though thankfully intermittently. Sleep deprivation makes you feel awful. I have done the in and out of bed, pacing round etc and it's the loneliest feeling in the world. Of course it's a vicious circle as the more tired you are the worse you feel then you dread going to bed and not being able to sleep which only adds to your anxiety. I wish I could give you some good advice but presume you have tried the warm bath, milky drink and deep breathing routine. Sometimes this works for me but equally sometimes it doesn't. The key is to relax which I know is impossible when you're all wound up. You are all going through some really bad times and I just want you to know that you are not alone and you're not going mad.
Thinking of you all and sending good vibes so that you have a peaceful night tonight.
Sal x

20-09-13, 18:46
I had some zoplicone a few years ago but literally was almost forced to take then as I was convinced I wouldn't wake up. They did break me out of a cycle thankfully.

20-09-13, 21:01
Did you feel ok on them and how did they make you feel the next day, I'm
thinking if I can find the courage to take them, if only for a week or so it would get me
back into sleeping properly

---------- Post added at 21:01 ---------- Previous post was at 20:58 ----------

But I have OCD and it takes me about 1 hour to do what I have to do before
I can even get into bed:weep: did ask the psychiatrist for help with it at my
appointment last week and guess what the waiting list a year long:weep:

20-09-13, 21:19
I felt fine. I was worried I'd be groggy but wasn't. Couldn't take them now I'm on my own though as I don't think I'd wake up and hear the kids