View Full Version : Tremor Anyone???

20-09-13, 08:29
I have had a very rough few months. I had a bad panic breakdown that really came out of the blue. My anxiety has improved immensely and today and the last week I felt like the old me again but then I realised that I have a tremor in my hands.

And, of course, I freaked out and still am freaking out. It is in both hands and is more pronounced in the left hand. It is bad when I try to do things with my hands or when I hold them out straight. It isn't so bad resting.

Naturally I went google crazy and have diagnosed myself with all sorts of progressive neurologic diseases that will ruin my life :( :(

I can normally chalk a tremor up to being anxious but I have actually been really relaxed and good so it doesn't make sense.

I can't stop thinking it is something terrible. I hate this feeling of thinking that something is terribly wrong and even when tests come back clean you don't believe them. I thought I was over this shit.

Does anyone else notice a tremor while relaxed?

I need a hug. :( haha

20-09-13, 09:13
Hi Rory, I have had a tremor for about three years now, it affects my hands and head, I was like you worried when it first started and saw a neurologist, but was given the all clear of anything bad he said it was an essential tremor and I was given beta blockers to lesson the effect, it comes and goes in severity, but is a lot worse when I am anxious especially the nodding of the head.
Try not to worry, but if you are really concerned get it checked out.
Take care Kim :)

20-09-13, 09:16
Hi Rory,
Maybe you have a benign tremor. My husband has this in his hands.
They don't shake when he holds his arms out or when relaxing, but he cannot carry
a mug of water as his hands shake so much. His mother had this too.
Maybe a visit to Gp would be a good thing if it continues.
Sending you :hugs::hugs::hugs:

20-09-13, 09:46
I get this too, mainly from anxiety, sometimes muscular.
I get tremors in my whole body too.
The annoying thing about anxiety is never knowing if its something to be concerned about or anxiety.
you say you havnt been anxious yet your mind cant find control over simple hand tremors so chances are you still have anxiety. Youve probably just grown a tolerance now so it doesnt affect you so much.
i always have hand tremors, i wouldnt worry unless i started dropping things etc etc but as someone said if youre worried see a Dr, even typing this my hand shakes!!!!!

20-09-13, 19:06
I have a constant slight head tremour which came on when my anxiety started. It is there all the time now, even when I am not anxious. It gets worse when I get more anxious though. Trembling is a very common effect of panic and anxiety, though can be genetic too.

I was really hoping my tremour would go as my anxiety lessened but that hasn't happened yet, though it does get better or worse depending on how I feel. Funnily enough, my hands don't shake at all.