View Full Version : Weaning off Citalopram

20-09-13, 13:56
Hi all,
I gave SSRIs a fair try but never got any benefit I could notice, and a lot of side effects... Just not for me. I seem to be quite sensitive to these drugs.
I know we all react differently but I was on then for about 4 months and reduced from 20 to 10 mg for 2 weeks then every other day for a week. Then stopped.
I really wanted to get back to dealing with my anxiety using self help which has worked for me in the past.... So I was happy to quit them.
I only started to feel some withdrawal symptoms after a further 3 days.
It has now been 3 weeks since stopping and I am still having some weird symptoms. Sometimes it is difficult to say whether this is withdrawal or my anxiety but I have a really buzzy head , lightheaded with some tinnitus and a really strange, almost excited feeling in my stomach.
Has anyone else had trouble coming off citalopram, and if so how long can I expect this to go on for.
My doc seems surprised at all of this....

20-09-13, 15:35
Hi, i could be reading about me here, i was same i was on them for 3 months and for a few months after i still got i called it zaps in my head. i still get butterflies feeling in my stomach (think its anx) also i still get lightheaded. i suffer with health anxiety and i have good times and also the odd blip. i deal with it now doing self help. i seen to be very sensitive also to meds and am not on any. whether i scare myself about taking them and have a re-action who knows.

like you i was happy to quit but give it a few months, i am sure it will improve. its a good feeling to have me back and in control again even though i get anxious times still.

my doctor used to be surprised at me too, which did'nt help me really at the time.

i wish you well in your withdrawal and let us know get on. good luck :-) Lesley