View Full Version : Something has gone wrong again! I need advice!

20-09-13, 14:36
I was leaving my car park at work today & someone had parked particularly close to me.
I opened my door and the wind sort of caught the door and as it was so close it touched the other car's side.

I didn't even realise at first but when I had a look there was a small scratch in the paintwork.
It's obviously a car that belongs to a staff member but I'm unsure as to who as I didn't recognise it.

I'm panicking that the person will see it and remember my car next to theirs or that there is CCTV in the car park which I'm not sure of.

I haven't done anything really bad have I? I know I probably should have left a note but it happened so fast and it was such a light scratch that I thought
I wouldn't need to. It was only as I was driving off that I realised I should have probably done more.

Any advice guys?
Is this a criminal offence? :( :(

Great start to the weekend!

20-09-13, 15:04
I dont think he or she will even notice to be honest. I have done that too and so have others to my car, it happens all the time. Stop worrying about it and have a good weekend!

20-09-13, 16:12
Personally, if I found a small scratch on my car, I would not know whether it had been caused that day or some other time. Small scratches are quick and relatively cheap to fix, so I would not bother pursuing the person that might have caused it.

If the owner of the car does somehow find out, you just say, "oh my goodness, the wind caught my door, but I didn't realise it had even left a mark, I'm so sorry!" And offer to pay for the repairs. But it's highly unlikely this will even happen. Seriously, relax and enjoy your weekend, everything's going to be fine :hugs:

20-09-13, 16:26
If scratching a car door accidently was a criminal offence there'd be a lot of criminals out there.

You really must stop worrying about little things.

I always try and reverse the situation, what would you do if you found a scratch on your door from another car?

Forget about it and enjoy your weekend

20-09-13, 17:35
I would do the same as what Edie has said. I have scratched another car with the door by getting out of the passenger seat. I never had anyone say anything about it to me, and it's a while now.

20-09-13, 17:42
The honest thing to do would be to see the school secretary and ask them who the car belongs to, you can then tell them what happened and if they want it fixing then that can be done.

It does annoy me when people think it is OK to damage someone elses car and not make any effort to sort it out ( having spent £600 fixing car park dents in the doors on my last car ! )

20-09-13, 17:55
Anyway-- the scratch could have been on the parked car for ages done by someone else. Who's to say? Don't worry GirlAfraid:hugs:

20-09-13, 17:57
Hi girlafraid, I wouldn't worry about such a little scratch. Its unlikely they will even notice and even if they did you wouldn't get into trouble as it was an accident and not criminal damage xx

20-09-13, 18:29
Ok thanks guys.

Mikewales, I would say something to receptionist but I don't want to make a fuss without reason.

The scratch may have already been there who knows, it's so annoying when you don't know.

If they say anything to me I will just say that the wind caught it and I didn't even realise I had hit the car or left a mark.

20-09-13, 18:44
Good one Girlafraid:hugs:

20-09-13, 19:23
Well you can say that, but you know that isn't true as you have already told us you know you hit it. Why not just be honest and tell them ? chances are they won't care, but at least you won't have it on your conscience, and it is the right thing to do rather than pretending nothing happened and hoping you get away with it.

20-09-13, 19:41
Well you can say that, but you know that isn't true as you have already told us you know you hit it. Why not just be honest and tell them ? chances are they won't care, but at least you won't have it on your conscience, and it is the right thing to do rather than pretending nothing happened and hoping you get away with it.

It was only a tiny scratch though like number 2 on this photo:


You're making me feel as though I've done something really bad :( sorry. I'm scared now.

20-09-13, 19:53
You haven't done anything really bad, it was just an accident, but trying to get away with it isn't really fair on the owner of the other car, who may have to go and get that fixed now and pay for it out of their own pocket. I'm sure if someone damaged your car you would want them to try and sort it out, rather than just thinking it was OK for them to do it as long as they can get away with it

20-09-13, 19:54
You haven't done anything, he's saying that if it ever got back to you, which isn't very likely, you should be honest otherwise the lies will make you feel worse about yourself. Again, it's nothing to worry about, my colleague accidentally scratched someones car, never heard about it since.

20-09-13, 19:56
I just know how annoying it can be, on my last car I had to pay £600 to get all 4 doors repaired after people 'just' left dents in the car park, and then over £1000 when someone drove into the back of it and drove off. Not one of these people bothered to leave a note or hang around, and I was £1600 out of pocket to keep my car looking nice.

Rennie, I am really saying she should go and find out who the car belongs to and sort it out ( chances are they will be fine and not worry about it ) rather than just hoping it doesn't come back on her. It's the right thing to do

20-09-13, 20:05
I'm scared of asking whose car it is :( I know I sound so childish but I'm worried of the reaction.
I'm bad enough at work as it is :(

Of course I would be honest if they asked me.

20-09-13, 22:10
The right thing to do would be to own up to it, but you don't have to. I'm not going to judge you over leaving a little scratch on a car. It happens, when cars park too close together or you open the door too hard.

20-09-13, 22:15
I will tell the truth if I am asked of course.