View Full Version : Boiler...

20-09-13, 16:58
We have two boilers . Hot water and heating,
I normally worry about heating one.
However our hot water one the pilot lights keep going out about 10 times and I'm terrified about carbon monoxide poising from it. I don't know if its on all the time or just when hot water is being used? But I'm so scared :( I'm terrified it will kill us,
I've always worried bout other boiler,

It normally goes out when windy but theirs not even a breeze, it's very old,

20-09-13, 17:47
Hi Emma, I'm assuming your boilers have the yearly checks like they are supposed to? If they do then I'm sure they are fine but if they haven't make sure you get them checked. Also have you got a carbon monoxide alarm? That could help with your worries xx

20-09-13, 17:49
No. That one never been checked. Been here 9 years.
I'm bricking it. We are a
L going to die.
My alarm isn't working, it's been broken for a whole going to get new one for winter but I normally forgot about this boiler.
Omg it's carbon monoxide isn't it!! :(
I probably have a day to live :(

20-09-13, 17:53
Emma you would feel ill by now if it was carbon monoxide but you do need to get the boiler checked as its very important

20-09-13, 17:54
I know. I know it's not now but it could happen couldn't it. It could just start leaking carbon monoxide.
We could all end up dead lying on the floor helpless and dead being carted off by ambulances but what if no one found us then what :(..

It's my mums boiler but I'm scared she'll shout at me if I ask her...
I can't do anything.
Once I bought a detector and she threw it out when I bought it told me i was an idiot.

20-09-13, 17:59
Try and sit your mum down and calmly talk about your worries. Hopefully she will understand xx

20-09-13, 18:03
All mum says is you would smell something bad. I said no no smell she said I am idiot you can smell carbon monoxide. No you can't.
Saying they will, get someone well this is the women who said she would get oven fixed two years ago, and still won't. Don't believe her.
We are going to die.

20-09-13, 18:08
Emma you aren't going to die soon because of this. Turn the boiler off until its looked at. You can't smell carbon monoxide at all. Perhaps show your mum a link online to prove this to her? Xxx

20-09-13, 18:09
Emma, Are you in rented accommodation? if so could you not tell them about the boiler?(Landlord)

20-09-13, 18:12
No mortgage,
She think its fine its not.
She think its got safety think and will shut it self off.
She's deluded. No it's not going to turn it self if carbon monoxide coming out.!!!!!!!?!....
She doesn't think it comes on unless taps turned on...........

Said we would know about it if gas was leaking. No we be dead on the floor. All of us. I'm sure of it soon.

I've not had a panic like this for a long long time......

I'm so scared :(

20-09-13, 18:21
Do as cassy says and turn the boiler off until it has been looked at.
Boilers ought to be serviced every 12 months by a professional gas fitter.
9years is a long time.

20-09-13, 18:23
But she won't let me turn if off. Just puts it back on saying its her house.
I have no were to go, no friends to go, no family. It's the house or the park bench.

20-09-13, 18:34
Is it your mother saying this emma?

20-09-13, 18:36

20-09-13, 18:41
Oh I see. Cannot think of anything that can fix your problem. If it is your mums house then I don't know what you can do.

Our pilot light went off once and we could not get it back on, so we left it till the gas man came the next day. We were ok.

Can anyone put Emmas mind at rest??????

20-09-13, 18:48
No nothing I can. Other than go to room, open window and hope I'm the last one to be affected and I can ring 999 before it happens. :(...
Feeling helpless. Thanks magic though,
Got bad headache now, yawning loads feeling very weak.

20-09-13, 19:06
Hi Emma

If you are that worried what I would do is phone the gas company that is in you area and pretend to be a concerned member of the community and report that you think you can smell gas from a neighbors property and they will come out and investigate.

They will knock on the door and test all the gas appliances and if needs be condemn them as unsafe on the spot and that goes for gas n carbon monoxide.

Just an idea.. I have done it before, when skint to get a free gas check.

20-09-13, 19:20
Emma you have been through this all a few times before, and the boiler didn't kill you then

20-09-13, 22:34
Emma hun, firstly take a deep breath, count to 10 and calm down hun :)

The likely hood of you getting carbon monoxide poisoning is very remote, as has been said, you would soon start to feel pretty ill if you were breathing that stuff in, you would be ill before it ever killed you hun.

Having said that, and I do not wish to alarm you any more than you already are, not having a boiler serviced for 9 years is not good at all, we have ours done once a year, try and persuade your Mum to have it serviced.

But you're not going to die from it Emma :hugs:

20-09-13, 23:06
A lot of times the pilot light continually goes out because a bit of dirt or dust has gotten into it (the flame will be yellow instead of blue is a good indicator of this) _ If so give it a fair tap with a rubber headed hammer (not too hard) when the pilot is off - If you can take the casing off then buy a can of compressed air (the ones you clean a computer keyboard with) and blow it at the hole.

If this doesn't work then fetch an engineer.

If you are worried about Carbon Monoxide poisoning then buy another detector but this time don't tell your mum!! It's very unlikely though that this is happening so please try not to worry - it's so rare.

22-09-13, 19:32
Well ended up at a friends Friday night and nans last night,
Back home now- still worried she's put it back on and says not to touch but am scared .
Can't call enigenner she'll know it's me and then.... She will be very angry

---------- Post added at 19:30 ---------- Previous post was at 18:53 ----------

Also now home I have a head ache :( coincidence ? I feel very very tired n sluggish.
Also my dad has been knackered the last few days to

---------- Post added at 19:32 ---------- Previous post was at 19:30 ----------

I'm so scared r we dying?
Was just about to sleep but don't want to now but feel like I'm struggling to stay awake.
Head ache come on since coming home. We're dying?:(

22-09-13, 21:40
Emma if you look back over your posts you posted the exact same thing last year and everything was ok, you are most certainly not going to die, try and put things into perspective a bit, have a read over last years posts.

23-09-13, 19:56
Emma you're going to be just fine hun, try and find something to distract you from your scary thoughts. I guess the headache has started because you were probably waiting for it to start, it's a mind over matter thing hun :)

Have some fun Emma, you're only young and it's very sad that you're consumed by all of these fears that don't seem to get better.

Why not have a go at doing some crafting? I love it and it really helps me :) There's Halloween and Christmas coming up, so why not get creating something for them :)

Just out of interest, are you still in therapy hun??

23-09-13, 21:06
go and buy some detectors. I'm sure that will put your mind at rest.

23-09-13, 21:59
Right emma, lets put your mind at rest, i was a "gas man" before i lost my job due to redundancy.

The thing is with carbon monoxide is, it smells...very very very bad! almost like rotten eggs! if your boiler had any fault which was causing a leak, you would have smelt it by now & you would also be feeling very very sleepy, all day every day! if it goes past a few days of it leaking & you it is still leaking, you would have passed out by now! not sleeping, but genuinely passed out! fainted! collapsed. The thing is with houses the are generally good at getting rid of gases like this anyway, not fully but enough so that it wouldn't kill you! for it to kill you, you would have to have been taking in the fumes for a very long time...which is impossible in a house because as i say you would have passed out by now! 100%, from what others are saying about posts over the course of a year, an educated guess would say that it is a faulty pilot light which can do you absolutely no harm what so ever! Just contact british gas! they will come out and check your boiler to see what it is! but i am telling you with 1000000000% confidence....it is NOT any gas leaks what so ever! :yahoo:

23-09-13, 22:47
Kez, I didn't think carbon monoxide smelt at all? x

23-09-13, 23:41
Carbon monoxide doesn't smell



23-09-13, 23:45
when people say they can smell Carbon monoxide I think it is just the byproducts of the fuel that is burning and not the carbon monoxide.

Companies inject mercaptan (an organic substance made of carbon, hydrogen and sulphur) into natural gas to make it smell like rotten eggs, it is because natural gas is also odourless so they add it so you know when you have a leak. so it will smell of rotten eggs if you have a gas leak and NOT if the boiler is just giving of carbon monoxide surely?

24-09-13, 18:45
Hi guys,
I'm not so worried anymore about it. Partly due to you lot :) thank u all

24-09-13, 22:41
Good to hear Emma :-) xx

25-09-13, 01:14
Sorry, i wasn't having a "head screwed on" night last night & didn't make myself very clear, Carbon Monoxide alone, doesn't smell...absolutely correct...it is...or WAS the silent killer, however due to boilers now days being fittd with more & more safety gadgets, completely safe by products mix with it when there is a leak...there fore causing a smell...im not going to get too technical with the safety gadgets but this is why you very rarely here of carbon monoxide poisoning in the home any more, and also the reason the adverts you use to see on the TV about pushing for people to get detecters are long gone. If you were to ring british gas (other energy companies are available lol) about such an issue, they would ask you when the boiler was installed, whether it is a new or old boiler and the year it was checked....reason being modern boilers, even some going back into the 80's are safe as houses.

27-09-13, 19:41
Hi guys,
Well the boiler has been ok I think.
I havnt asked about it so just assuming haha.
Well I don't know how old it is,
Been at this house 10 years so defo over 10 years old lol

29-09-13, 09:25
Got a real bad headache this morning.
Mum had one yesterday morning is this a sign?

29-09-13, 09:51
Emma, I don't want to sound blunt but there's nothing we can tell you that we haven't already told you. You need to get the boiler tested either way as they should be tested once a year xx

29-09-13, 10:54
Carbon monoxide detectors are £12.50 in Tesco's - go and buy one and don't tell your mum!!!

29-09-13, 11:25
Carbon monoxide detectors are £12.50 in Tesco's - go and buy one and don't tell your mum!!!

Agreed on this. And as the other poster said not to be to blunt but keeping this thread going is just adding to your anxiety and for the cost of a detector just go buy one and if it goes off your right to be worried but if not your A ok.

What would your advice be to someone who was always fearing that their house would burn down at night.. I think it would be buy a smoke detector..

29-09-13, 16:34
Yer know it needs a service but I can't get it,
It's up to mum and dad and they don't give a flying pig about it, just think its funny. Joke.
9-10 years no service and all they can say is you would smell carbn monoxide, joke.
What if I got a detector and and it went off. She would be violent towards me.

---------- Post added at 16:34 ---------- Previous post was at 16:33 ----------

Yer know it needs a service but I can't get it,
It's up to mum and dad and they don't give a flying pig about it, just think its funny. Joke.
9-10 years no service and all they can say is you would smell carbn monoxide, joke.
What if I got a detector and and it went off. She would be violent towards me.

29-09-13, 16:58
Well it is a catch 22 ain't it your damned if you do and your damned if you don't

But in the end of the day posting on her everyday about is the headache from this or that or everyone feels sick and so on is not giving you any answers is it.

Just buy the detector and stick I up and at the end of the day sod em if they don't like it.
And if it goes off then you have proved your point and get the hell out of there.

This is only a choice you can make or again put a complaint in as a concerned neighbor that you can smell gas from number (whatever yours is) and then the gasboard will check every appliance out and if it is a danger they will disconnect it.

29-09-13, 17:06
Yep it is.

I just find it a coincidence been out all day and headache gone down.
Dad looks knackered. I havnt eaten much today- just too anxious to dont feel hungry after all.
Even forcing liquids down my throat is hard today but I have...
If I phone as I cornered neighbour they'll know it's me....
They will literally hurt me if I do it.

29-09-13, 17:12
Well at the end of the day buy one and just use it when your about just to test it out and then put it away.

Give you some peace of mind and then if it did go off when you alone maybe you can talk to another family member to seek advice.

It's that or on a lighter note get a budgie that's what the miners used to use.

Anyway goodluck in whatever you decide to do

29-09-13, 21:18
Emma you're getting too far ahead of yourself!!

All you need to do is:
1) Buy the Carbon Monoxide detector.
2) Open it up and place it near to the boiler (unseen to avoid aggro).
3) Leave for the required amount of time and take a reading.

Let's find out the results of that before we go to step 4

P.S. Do your parents physically harm you? (No need to answer if it makes you uncomfortable).

29-09-13, 23:13
Yer know it needs a service but I can't get it,
It's up to mum and dad and they don't give a flying pig about it, just think its funny. Joke.
9-10 years no service and all they can say is you would smell carbn monoxide, joke.
What if I got a detector and and it went off. She would be violent towards me.

---------- Post added at 16:34 ---------- Previous post was at 16:33 ----------

Yer know it needs a service but I can't get it,
It's up to mum and dad and they don't give a flying pig about it, just think its funny. Joke.
9-10 years no service and all they can say is you would smell carbn monoxide, joke.
What if I got a detector and and it went off. She would be violent towards me.

Emma this post has concerned me a lot.

Is your Mum verbally violent or physically violent towards you??

Both are bad, but if she's physically violent to you, then that is just NOT acceptable EVER!!!!

Emma you seem to have a fear about your Mom and if violence of any sort is/has been, a part of your life, then I think this could be the route of your difficulties hun.

Have you ever discussed this with your doctor or therapist or anyone??

Emma, no one and I mean, no one has any right whatsoever to be violent towards you for whatever reason, it's not the way to solve problems and it is bullying at it's worse!!!!!!

I do understand if you don't wish to discuss this on here, but all I ask is that you please do something about this NOW!!! You are not there to be your Mums punch bag or victim!!!!! :hugs:

30-09-13, 16:22
When younger my mum would slap me with shoes, wack me with hairbrushes.
Bath me in water so hot I would scream and scream during the hour long ordeal and come out sunburnt looking with peeling skin.
Force food down my throat even when not hungry...

Dad is very exhausted todsy like yesterday and I feel very tired aswell..... Brother and mum look fine though.

Popped to local tesco- no monitor. Need to go to bigger one to find one but am thinking I will just have to do it for peace of mind, I'd be telling someone else the same.
I just can't face getting one and it going off- she would go mental.

30-09-13, 16:33
I've told you Emma, If you are living in fear of your mother you need to contact social services so that they can find you accommodation urgently. No wonder you have health anxiety.

Not beating about the bush - the things she did to you as a child are criminal offences that she could go to prison for - no wonder you have health anxiety!

01-10-13, 12:14
When younger my mum would slap me with shoes, wack me with hairbrushes.
Bath me in water so hot I would scream and scream during the hour long ordeal and come out sunburnt looking with peeling skin.
Force food down my throat even when not hungry...

Dad is very exhausted todsy like yesterday and I feel very tired aswell..... Brother and mum look fine though.

Popped to local tesco- no monitor. Need to go to bigger one to find one but am thinking I will just have to do it for peace of mind, I'd be telling someone else the same.
I just can't face getting one and it going off- she would go mental.

Emma hun, what your Mum did to you as a child is child abuse!!

Can you not move out now Emma?? I know it's very expensive to have your own place but, honestly, I really think, that not only is it time, but I think it would free you of a whole lot of your anxiety's.

I know and understand that it is scary, the thought of leaving home, but it's a very good thing to do at times Emma, and I believe it would be the best thing for you in a lot of ways :)

Perhaps have a good think about it hun, it must be pretty awful living with a Mother that you fear hun.

Please think of ways that you could change your life now that you're an adult and free to do what you please hun :hugs:

01-10-13, 15:05
Please take notice of what advice you have been given to you on nmp
I have wanted to say the same,but has already been said

04-10-13, 15:02
Hello people.
All week have felt weak, tired, headaches (sign of cm) everyone else seems normal though.
Have my detector sitting next to me. But to scared to open it up and test it to see :(.
Auntie moosie. I could move out (earning 11,500 a year) would be a struggle though. I just don't know if its worth it.

04-10-13, 16:02
Come on open it up - it's not just you waiting for the results now!

Re your parents:
I think the others are being a bit harsh, my parents used to be strict with me too. My mum would use a horse whip on me and my brother if we were naughty, my dad would use his hands - both were painful but not long lasting. We were made to eat even when we weren't hungry. I knew they were doing it for my own benefit - they're my parents and I trust them more than I would trust Social Services any day. To call it abuse is a bit strong - I call it tough love, it has kept me on the straight and narrow.

04-10-13, 16:12
gypcyg - sorry but a horse whip and force feeding is "not tough love" it is child abuse and so is being put in a scalding hot bath.

Emma, can't you look for a flat share?

04-10-13, 16:54
Brunette it's not child abuse - there are many intricacies involved in family life, lots of conflicting emotions and lots of different ways of raising children. When intentions are done with love and well meaning is that abuse?

My mum is five foot nothing - I was taller and stronger than her by my eleventh birthday. My father worked abroad for nine months of the year - Should my mum have accepted me and my brother as the rulers of the household whilst he was away? No, of course she shouldn't. She tried to dish out punishments (that were definitely warranted) but we just grabbed her arms and stopped her - thats why she took drastic measures and got a horse-whip. She loved us both unconditionally and never really hit us full force - if she had used full force then I'd probably agree that that was child abuse.

In my opinion smacking a child is not child abuse - in fact the opposite is true - not smacking a child that has crossed certain boundaries IS child abuse and has resulted in a society with children who have no respect or self-discipline.

04-10-13, 17:03
GYPCYG! so if someone came up to you forced food down your throat and started whipping u, you wouldn't call the police? its the same thing, just because its a parent does not make it right!!! no matter how u look at it...its child abuse! i feel sorry if for your kids if or when u have them

04-10-13, 17:47
Not forced down my throat - made to eat - it's different. And I explained about the whip.

I see in your little diatribe you didn't answer any of my points.

I feel sorry for your neighbourhood if your kids are let loose in it!

04-10-13, 17:53
No personal comments or remarks please that could be hurtful.

04-10-13, 18:42
Can't bring my self to open it. Just can't bear to see we are dying. Just can't do it. I'm dying I know it- weak, tired all the time etc. never felt like this with anxiety before. Feel like it when not anxious to.
We are all dying I know it.

04-10-13, 18:55
Open it, would you rather open it now and know you are ok, or open it and know there is a problem and be able to get out of the house and call the gas people. A leak wouldn't build up over weeks and kill you, it would be overnight.

04-10-13, 18:59
Hi. If their was a leak would we know about it by now? I'm so so so scared :(
But I can't bring my self to open it. Just so scared of hearing it go off.

04-10-13, 19:05
Emma just open it and turn it on or put it near the boiler

04-10-13, 19:08
Do you perhaps have a friend you can confide in and have come over and open it and do the test with you?The sooner you open it the sooner you will have peace of mind Em.ma

04-10-13, 19:18
No don't have a friend that could come over (only have one who lives 1 hour 15 away) and one more who's not talking to me anymore miles away. Am lonely.
Never have a night out like most teens my age (very rare)
No one to talk, text , message.

04-10-13, 19:24
You don't need a friend there Emma - just go and turn it on

04-10-13, 19:25
oh Emma,am so sorry to hear that.This is a big big big opportunity to overcome a fear.Emma,if you do the test we will be so happy for you as well as relieved.But more importantly you will be relieved.

04-10-13, 19:25
Well it's your choice, you have it there, you know all you have to do is open it and test it and at least you will know one way or the other

04-10-13, 19:30
Well I've taken it out the box. Just need to find some batteries :(
One last question does anyone think it will show up positive for it?

04-10-13, 19:31
Do the test and find out !

04-10-13, 19:44
Well went to do it,
Boilers off ATM- pilot light blown out again but it is windy. Dad says his going to get it serviced sometime before we start using the other one (the one I've always worried about)

04-10-13, 20:10
Well done for trying.That is a huge achievment.

04-10-13, 20:21
Emma I asked a while back but you didn't reply. Are you getting your cbt yet?

I also posted some advice about meeting friends. It's hard but you won't meet them without putting effort in and joining a group or something. As I told you, I had no friends in this area when I moved here, but I did things to meet new people.

04-10-13, 21:48
Brunette it's not child abuse - there are many intricacies involved in family life, lots of conflicting emotions and lots of different ways of raising children. When intentions are done with love and well meaning is that abuse?

My mum is five foot nothing - I was taller and stronger than her by my eleventh birthday. My father worked abroad for nine months of the year - Should my mum have accepted me and my brother as the rulers of the household whilst he was away? No, of course she shouldn't. She tried to dish out punishments (that were definitely warranted) but we just grabbed her arms and stopped her - thats why she took drastic measures and got a horse-whip. She loved us both unconditionally and never really hit us full force - if she had used full force then I'd probably agree that that was child abuse.

In my opinion smacking a child is not child abuse - in fact the opposite is true - not smacking a child that has crossed certain boundaries IS child abuse and has resulted in a society with children who have no respect or self-discipline.

Sorry, I tried my best not to respond to this cos quite honestly, just reading what you've said has made me mad with anger!!!!! :mad:

I'm sorry but what Emma has said about what her Mum has done to her IS ABUSE!!!!

Would you think it correct to treat an adult in such a way????...........no I don't think you would, because believe me in no time at all, you'd be on a serious charge of assault!!!!!

So, what makes you think it's ok, and all fine and dandy if somebody does that to a child???

IT IS ABUSE!!!!! :mad:

Now something I'm going to tell you..........

I was brought up in the care of Dr Barnardos.........I thank my lucky stars each and every day, that I was too.

We had a little boy come in to our home, we're still very close friends to this day..........anyway, this little boy, was locked in a bathroom, starved, was not aloud any light at all, was woken up by his parents in the middle of the night, was wrenched up off of the floor by his hair and was told that he was not allowed to sleep and that he must remain standing up!!! when he couldn't stand up anymore, due to weakness where he was starving and sleep deprivation, he was hit repeatedly with the buckle end of a belt until his skin split!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:

So how dare you come on here and say that that is not abuse???!!!!!

I have spent my childhood and most of my adulthood with children who have been ABUSED!!!! Perhaps you would like to meet some of them and explain to them that what happened wasn't abuse..........but just a bit of "tough love" I'd love to be in the room to see the response you get!!!!!!!!

Thank you so much for upsetting me, hurting me, making me angry..........I'm going now..............can't bare to think about it anymore :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep::weep: :weep:

04-10-13, 22:30
Auntie Moosie what you've described is sadistic behaviour and I agree it's abuse - what I described is not sadistic behaviour and is not abuse - Start a new thread and I'm more than willing to discuss it.

And I know lots of people brought up in care - They were there because their parents didn't care about them - mine did! I put an explanation in my post that has nothing to do with your friends experience - absolutely nothing at all.

04-10-13, 22:33
It IS abuse. I have been on a number of child protection courses for work and it would be deemed as abuse. Smacking is legal ONLY if it doesn't leave a mark lasting longer than 5 seconds. They use of any object is illegal and abuse. As is force-feeding and scalding.

Emma, have you spoken to anyone about this? I know you're waiting for cbt for your anxiety,but telling someone about all this may help. I don't know your mum but it's not justifiable what she did. As others have said, if she did that to you now as an adult, it'd be seen as assault, so it wasn't right when you were a child either. Big hugs.

05-10-13, 00:32
Thanks Lizzie - I haven't laughed so hard in ages.

"I know it's abuse cos I've been on a course!"

05-10-13, 00:37
Why are you being so defensive and argumentative about this?

Daisy Sue
05-10-13, 08:27
I've been biting my lip regarding recent posts in here, but I have to say something...

I haven't been on a course. I'm not a social worker. I'm not a lawyer.

I'm a mum. And if anyone - ANYONE - hit my kids with a horse whip, hairbrush, put them in scalding water, force-fed them, then I can't say I'd be accountable for my actions. Those are not the actions of a loving "normal" parent - they are abuse. End of.

My kids are late teens/early 20s now - I have never hit them. They are lovely kind, respectful, well behaved young people, who have been raised via love & consequences, not fear.

Just because a mother may be too 'short' to hit her growing children, it does not make it acceptable for her to then reach for a weapon to hurt them with. She has failed as a mother if her only form of teaching is by inflicting pain in one way or another.

Oh - and not all kids are put into the care system because their parents don't care.

05-10-13, 09:28
Gypcyp - there's no need to be rude.

I didn't actually say it as you quoted, please don't misquote me. I actually work with children every day who have been or still are being abused and therefore have to be very aware of the signs. I mentioned the courses because on the courses they stated that using any object to hit a child is abuse. That's what the law states.

05-10-13, 11:25
Thanks Lizzie - I haven't laughed so hard in ages.

"I know it's abuse cos I've been on a course!"

Okay having had a good sleep and feeling a lot better today, I can answer this with my rational head on, I do not, and I repeat, I do not, take away anything that I said last night though, that still stands.

I wish that smacking was made illegal too to be quite honest with you.

I'm just not understanding how anyone would thing it right to "hit" a child in order to make them stop doing something or as punishment for something they'd done wrong??

I totally agree with what Daisy Sue has said :)

My children are now both adults, I did not smack "hit" as I prefer to call it them at all.

The last thing I'd ever have wanted for my children is for them to have feared me, fear is not the way to correct children and smacking, in my opinion, is bullying at it's worse, and all it teaches a child is to fear whoever it is doing the smacking.

Why on earth would you want a child to fear you? I wanted my children to be able to come to me with any problems they had and to be able to trust me.

Now please don't get me wrong, I was no perfect parent and life was difficult at times, as it is for most parents, but I like to think that I did my very best for my children.

Another issue with smacking or hitting a child, is.........what do you think that is teaching them?

There are much better ways of correcting children, that don't involve any kind of abuse, with mine, I used to take away their pocket money, send them to their bedroom, ground them and things like that, those things work much better than any smacking will ever do.

There is also compromising, some people get irate when I mention this, but what is wrong with it?

If you can sit down, talk rationally with a child, they will understand and will learn that they can also put their own point of view in the pot in a safe manner.

Well anyway, that's my take on it all :)

May I just ask one more thing of you please......

Can you please try and stop being so disrespectful to Lizzie, she does brilliant work with children and she is very experienced in what she does :)

And what is wrong with learning from a course?? You don't have to have experienced something to learn what it's all about do you? has your doctor experienced every single disease and illness? no, but he'll still now how to treat it wont he?

Please, I have a protection thing with people who care, protect and rescue children and I take great offense if they come under attack, people like our Lizzie are the one's out there that are saving children and making their lives better, I know, cos I've been on the receiving end of such help, it's priceless to a child in need :hugs:

05-10-13, 13:55
Can someone open a new thread for this debate - I don't want Emma getting upset at anything that may be written.

I am standing by everything I have written though - Smacking children is perfectly acceptable. How parents wish to raise their children is their business and no-one else's. Yes, some parents go too far and that becomes abuse but smacking will one day be made legal again because it is needed to raise a child to respect boundaries and rules.

To even mention Joseph Fritzel in this argument is just (actually I'll self censor myself here cos i don't want anyone to say I'm being disrespectful)

So please open a new thread and I look forward to debating with you.

05-10-13, 17:25
Abusing children is totally wrong, no one can argue with that. Personally I wouldn't call the slaps I got across the back of my legs as abuse and I won't stand for anyone saying my parents abused me by doing this. Some sort of discipline is required in this modern society as SOME children have no respect. I live near a school and I hear parents begging their kids to behave and saying please don't do that numerous times when they're doing something wrong, it sounds so pathetic. Little Charlie is kicking every car he walks past on my road and his mum is saying please stop doing that. He'd be told once if he was mine then he'd get a smack. In fact no child of mine would even do that as they'd be taught right and wrongs and there would be consequences if they did wrong, by this I don't mean abuse as some are saying on this thread. A lot of parents these days have no control what so ever, I see and hear it everyday from my home.

05-10-13, 17:32
Can someone open a new thread for this debate - I don't want Emma getting upset at anything that may be written.

I am standing by everything I have written though - Smacking children is perfectly acceptable. How parents wish to raise their children is their business and no-one else's. Yes, some parents go too far and that becomes abuse but smacking will one day be made legal again because it is needed to raise a child to respect boundaries and rules.

To even mention Joseph Fritzel in this argument is just (actually I'll self censor myself here cos i don't want anyone to say I'm being disrespectful)

So please open a new thread and I look forward to debating with you.

This is a Panic and Anxiety forum so a thread to debate what is and what isn't child abuse is not a suitable topic for the forum as it is ALWAYS going to be an emotive subject.

Please take this thread back to its original purpose and end the disagreements otherwise it will be closed as it is no way helpful!

05-10-13, 18:27
Hi Venus - with all due respect, the subject is pertinent to the thread because Emma mentioned it. I agree though that we should get back to Emma's boiler troubles cos we're all waiting to find out what the results of the detector is.

Can't we open a new thread about smacking? Some people claim that it causes anxiety whilst others disagree - I'll respect your decision though cos I'm probably the least argumentative bloke on this site :)

06-10-13, 12:59
Hello everyone.
Well I have stayed at my nans house since yesterday so have not done the test yet.

I don't want to discuss what everyone else has on here.
Lizzie - I have been to cbt

06-10-13, 16:35
Is the cbt helping at all?

06-10-13, 16:42
Well I can say I'm no were near as anxious as I once was.
Used to run to the docs for every problem. Be in tears most night (don't cry no more), it used to stop me eating and cause people around me concern but I'm still 'anxious'... Which I'm not sure whether it is normal or not.

06-10-13, 18:34
Anxiety to some degree is a normal part of life. You need anxiety to keep you safe. It's when it takes over that it's a problem. Having seen you posts recently I wouldn't say that's a "normal" level of anxiety. But it's great that you're making progress! Getting over anxiety isn't quick and every small step is something to be proud of.

06-10-13, 19:33
Emma I agree with Lizzie, we all do need some anxiety in order to keep us safe, it's when it gets out of control that the problems start :)

Hun, don't be frightened to do the test, nothing bad will happen either way, whatever the result, you're either going to find out there's no problem or you're going to find a problem that will need addressing, and then everything will be fine again :)

It's kind of like "the big bad monster under out bed" isn't it? the more we don't look, the bigger and badder the monster gets, but as soon as we do look, he's not there is he?

I'm so glad to hear that you're still doing your CBT and it's great to hear that you're feeling a lot better than you were.

I'll bet you're really looking forward to your lovely holiday in the States now, it's not that long now is it hun? :hugs:

06-10-13, 20:23
Yes some anxiety in life is perfectly normal but not when it starts affecting every day life.
I would still say I'm a lot lot better than 2011/early 2012 if you were to see some of my posts then...
Yes auntie moosie (late November) I honestly can't believe we booked it in January?! And we're not long from jan 2014! Where does the time go aye?.. Really looking forward to it yes:)

Back home now still havnt done the test...

11-10-13, 17:31
Hi guys, mum using cooker now and it giving on a burning smell . Fume smell.
Gas cooker. She's going to phone the oven people but not the gas people :'( Can't help think its connected somehow. Can someone out my mind at rest please?
She found the detector before I even had a chance to use it and I don't know where it is :(
She's going to keep oven off and not use the hot water but I'm not sure if boiler stays on even when hot water is off....

It makes a lighting sound when you turn the hot water on (pilot light) we don't have to I heat hot water up, it's instant.

---------- Post added at 17:31 ---------- Previous post was at 17:18 ----------

Number the oven people gave her are closed!!!!!!!!!!! Omg I've got all night in this death trap now, what am I going to do!?
She's taken my monitor and won't give it back.

---------- Post added at 17:31 ---------- Previous post was at 17:31 ----------

No where to go either.
She needs to get someone out... Surely!?

11-10-13, 17:47
Well, being that this thread and fear started on the 20th of September and you're still alive, I'd say everything is going to be Ok :)

12-10-13, 00:09
Hi Emma :)

Well hopefully when the gas engineer comes to check the cooker, they would notice something dangerous I would have thought hun.

Gas engineers are highly trained professionals and they know exactly how gas works and what it should and shouldn't do.

Rest assured, that legally, if a gas engineer deems a gas appliance as dangerous, they can, and will, cut the gas supply off and forbid it to be used.

Don't get yourself into a cycle of panic though hun as it really wont help you, try to keep focused and rational and stop the racing scary thoughts.

Look forward to your lovely holiday to come, focus on that hun :hugs:

12-10-13, 19:11
Gas man coming Thursday to look at it :)
Got my passport and esta done for my holiday today! Got it all sorted. So ready to go now woohoo!

12-10-13, 19:26
Woohoo!!! Emma is all ready for her trip of a lifetime :yesyes:

Don't worry about the gas man hun, just focus on your holiday :hugs:

14-10-13, 06:27
I'm so excited about it now auntie moosie :yesyes: not long to wait now :D