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View Full Version : I feel ill-Actual illness or anxiety? Who knows.

20-09-13, 18:05

I posted a thread recently about my thyroid problems, blood problem etc. I have to wait until the 5th of December to see a specialist!!

I now feel ill, I have done for the last few weeks but as I have had high anxiety I don't know whether its real or due to the anxiety.
Im having horrible neck pains, feels like my neck bones are going to break, or ive got a clot or something!! Very annoying. I also keep getting hot flushes on small parts of my skin like on the side of my head or on one side of my neck and then I keep having feelings of spasms in my hands like all of a sudden it feels like they cant move, it only lasts for seconds and then I stretch them out and they are ok. Its s weird and worrying me a lot.
I generally feel rubbish as well, dizzy, sick, anxious, shaky and Im tired all the time, I don't want to do anything. What the flip is going on?
Am I really ill or is it all in my beautiful crazy mind? You see I also have derealisation and depersonalisation which of course is due to anxiety.

I just want to be relaxed, even for a few hours would be nice. Just to sit and read or watch tv without feeling tense and worried.

Sorry for the moan.
Hannah x x

20-09-13, 18:11
Hi Hannah, sorry you are feeling this way :-( have you told your dr about all of these symptoms? Xx

20-09-13, 18:17
Hi Cassy1989,

I have told him about the dizziness, anxiety and tiredness but nothing else and thats why I had the initial blood test. You see I don't know if because the Dr told me there is something wrong that I now feel ill. Like the power of suggestion?

I just don't know, I don't trust my mind anymore.
Hannah x x

20-09-13, 20:16
Hannah, I really feel for you. I am having virtually all the same feelings as you and feel awful at the moment. I have had anxiety for the last year and have not felt as bad as this before. Like you I actually feel ill, flu like almost. Every bone in my body aches, I have a constant headache, dizzy, sick, shaky and really tired all the time.
I know it's the anxiety as when I have had a few glasses of wine I feel almost normal again. I know mine is stress related as I have just gone back to uni but I'm beginning to think I can't cope with it any more. I think your symptoms are caused by anxiety too but I know just how awful it can make you feel.
Chris x

20-09-13, 20:32
Hi Chris,

It really does feel awful doesn't it. I've even got to the point where I feel like I cant lift my arms up because I'm so tired, my head feels so dizzy and I have weird vision. Its so weird and scary. Do you ever feel like you can relax? Like can you sit and become engrossed in a film or book and not think about your anxiety even for an hour or half an hour even?

Hannah x x

20-09-13, 21:04
Hi Hannah
I get the wierd vision thing too. Almost like my eyes won't focus properly. I find I can't relax at all without a glass or two of wine- I know it's not the right thing to do but its the only way I can sit and watch TV and without constantly feeling on edge. Having said that I've had a few glasses now and still feel like crap!! I really hope I can chill out and relax soon because my body feels like it can't take much more of this! At least it's the weekend and I can have a lie in tomorrow!