View Full Version : living a nightmare

20-09-13, 19:03
Hi all i've just joined in desperation and the hope that someone, somewhere might be able to help me.
I've suffered with some sort of 'mental issue' for as long as i remember. It became worse as i got older and became more self aware until i took an overdose of paracetamol aged 14. It was a big cry for help but the help was just a stern talking to and a box of anti depressants. After always slipping under the mental health radar despite numerous visits to various gps, i gave up and began self medicating and was an iv heroin user for arond 5 years. I was so happy not to have any anxiety and so was an intoxicating discovery and a secret ive always hidden.
Fast forward to now and im 27 and have a child that i gave up drugs for, but mentally ive bren struggling with 'real life' . I went to my gp a couple of times and he was excellent and regerred me. Whilst waiting the 6 weeks for an appt i deteriorated as i became paranoud that if i revealed the full extent of my anxiety they'd take my child off me.
At the moment im struggling to go out alone, i cant work, im paranoid about people watching my home and worry they will attack me. On really bad days i feel i have lice on me and in my home so the manic cleaning starts.
I can then wake up some days feeling really powerful mentally and think how silly i've been. But sometimes i say inappropriate things when like this, such as sexual stuff and be overly confident/crude.
Im starting to want answers so i dont feel like the worlds only nutcase, but im worried a diagnosis could bring social services to my door. I dont want to lose my precious baby, but nor my mind.

22-09-13, 15:18
These are big questions but definitely think you should not be afraid to get help. Asking for help is better than having services intervene unasked later on. Might be worth ringing the MIND helpline- they are a confidential service and as well as being able to provide support, if they cannot answer your questions in relation to your child they would be able to direct you to the right place. Good luck. Jx