View Full Version : Sinus/Tension headaches? Help?

20-09-13, 19:26
I'm sure there are a lot of threads on sinus problems, but i really just need some advice on what's going on with me.
For the past few days, i've had a feeling of pressure across the bridge of my nose (usually occurs late afternoon into early hours of the morning) and a constant feeling in my head which i think may just be tension. Sometimes i'll get a feeling of pressure above my nose and forehead and will sometimes have a wave of intense tension(? not quite sure how to describe this feeling) rush over my head starting from the front there running to the back. My nose isn't blocked or running but last night one side was quite blocked.
I've been waking up at 4 in the morning for these past few days and having trouble falling back asleep and as a result, i've been very tired during the day. My health anxiety isn't making this any better.
Could someone tell me what's going on to put my mind at ease? Are sinus problems linked to having anxiety?

20-09-13, 19:28

I have had a few sinus infections and they can feel like your are describing but you may need something from the dr to help it get better xx

20-09-13, 19:33

I have had a few sinus infections and they can feel like your are describing but you may need something from the dr to help it get better xx

I'm off to the doctor next week to see if he feels that i need to be put on medication for my anxiety. I'm going to give him an update on what's been happening and i'll ask him about everything then :) thanks for your reassurance.

20-09-13, 19:39
Hi, I get this constantly throughout the year and I have found the best why to treat it is tiger balm (it has instructions with it) and I find that it works better than most things on the market.

What you describe is a sinus problem but very mild and I have seen my Dr about this many times but they never see anything wrong so it is a case of self care. Our sinuses spread across our face like a butterfly pattern and the pain or tension you feel from it can extend to the jaw, ear, forehead, eyesocket. And normally it is just a case of home treating it unless it lasts for several weeks but all in all it is normally nothing to worry about.

21-09-13, 21:00
Hi, I get this constantly throughout the year and I have found the best why to treat it is tiger balm (it has instructions with it) and I find that it works better than most things on the market.

What you describe is a sinus problem but very mild and I have seen my Dr about this many times but they never see anything wrong so it is a case of self care. Our sinuses spread across our face like a butterfly pattern and the pain or tension you feel from it can extend to the jaw, ear, forehead, eyesocket. And normally it is just a case of home treating it unless it lasts for several weeks but all in all it is normally nothing to worry about.

Ohh i see! Thanks for your reassurance ^-^ it really put my mind at ease.

21-09-13, 21:21
I have had this for the past week, head pressure, sometimes constant mild headache, pain in my nose but its not blocked or runny, with earache and sometimes nausea.
I know it's probably just a sinus infection and stress or something but as you well know we all assume otherwise! I'm also going to the docs to see if he can give me something for it..
But hope you feel better soon xx