View Full Version : what is going on with me

20-09-13, 21:11
i have suffered from gastritis and duodenitis for a long time had to give up omeprazole as they think it makes me itch . ive now gone back on to lansoprazole which isnt working well as it stopped before i went onto omep. feel sickly and full up after eating v little as i have vomiting phobia the nausea is giving me panic attacs which also make me feel nauseous so round and round it goes anbody can help ?:lac:

27-09-13, 11:35
Have you tried things like Zantac/gaviscon etc??? Am also emet so no what ur fear is like... Omeprazole is working good for me but do get trapped wind an feel sick at times :(

27-09-13, 14:59
Do you have helicobactor pylori? Triple therapy would clear that up. Ask your GP if its that. Milk of magnesia might help untill you see the GP