View Full Version : Head symptoms

21-09-13, 05:16
Hi, iv been getting these weird head symptoms on and off for about 3 weeks now.
Symptoms are: Head tingling, Head pressure, no severe headache, Fullness in head when lying on left, emptiness when lying on right.

I went to see a GP about 2 weeks about, 4 days after it first started, he checked my BP and looked into my eyes with some light said he isn't worried and believed it to be anxiety. After he said this it went away for a little while.

But, 1 week later, lied in bed and all of a sudden a pressure feeling came into my head when I was just watching TV, then I switched to lie on my opposite side to face the laptop and the lights seemed to hurt my eyes a little and I go light headed when I lie on my right hand side.

I do have a history of anxiety but I don't know whats going on at the moment. Should I go to get checked again?

I can't get the symptoms off my mind, and I feel as though they'll just stay if i don't.

21-09-13, 12:44
if your concerned then yeah go and see your gp ,it awful I know I get pressure and dizziness ,and as you said you can't stop thinking about it ,it will go on and on its that vicious circle hope you feel better soon :)

20-10-14, 15:33
Came back again almost exact symptoms ..... Should I go to a doctor?

25-10-14, 16:07
genuinely cannot cope :'( muscle twitches all over aswell another sign of brain tumours. Iv read online theyre a very common symptom but iv never really had bad headaches :s so worried, going to the doctor this week but im really scared and im afraid i may be diagnosed with a tumour.

25-10-14, 17:26
Muscle twitches arent a sign of brain tumours. What crackpot website told you that?

25-10-14, 18:05
NHS website and other high profile ones

25-10-14, 23:42
This is what my DR told me and helps ALOT!
If you can breath through the "attack" and the symptom goes away it's anxiety.
If you can't go get checke out.
Example : I woke in a hell of a panic one night, my heart was racing like never before, I actually catapulted out of bed!! I was dizzy, disorientated
, I thought I was going to die. I sat myself down and breathed through I and felt better. I dialed the nurse line and told her what was going on - she said " if it were anything serious you wouldn't b able to sit there and tell me your symptoms, you wouldn't have been able to calm it down' I hope that helps.... Sounds like classic anxiety to me and an anxiety brought on through years of having anxiety, not a new sufferer of anxiety.

---------- Post added at 22:42 ---------- Previous post was at 22:40 ----------

Everything is a sign of a brain tumor too by the way. You can google any symptom! Trust me I know.

25-10-14, 23:53
Symptoms due to a brain tumour are always either localised or one-sided; you've said you get them all over so that one's out of the window. Aside from this, twitches are a sign of peripheral nervous system, not central nervous system, dysfunction. The biggest cause is plain old anxiety: what you describe is simply one of the very most common physical symptoms. Then BFS/BCFS, probably via the same process as anxiety. Then the other PNH disorders (but bear in mind there are less than sixty people in the UK with one of these, and they're not all that serious).

Yeah there's other stuff that can cause twitching, but not diffuse twitching as you describe so don't even go there.

BFS secondary to anxiety is not just caused by tension as suggested above, and altering your breathing won't make it go away.

The head pressure/fullness is probably the most common somatic presentation of anxiety: tension headaches.

26-10-14, 00:05
Have you read this yet?


Let me know and tell me if you have any of those symptoms.

Positive thoughts

26-10-14, 01:09
But the tension occurs when I am not anxious and sometimes occurs when Im lifting weights

26-10-14, 01:18
But the tension occurs when I am not anxious and sometimes occurs when Im lifting weights

Download the free CBT course here on the site.


It explains the physiology behind anxiety and panic disorder and reveals the reasons why your body reacts as it does. When you understand the physiology of how your body reacts to what it considers to be a threatening situation, you'll understand why, even when you're not in a stressful situation, your body reacts instinctively even though you may not consciously perceive it to be a threatening event.

Positive thoughts

27-10-14, 23:14
Is there anything else that could cause twitches head pressure (i think i have that its like a tingly feeling sometimes) and nausea? I mean, I do have IBS.

27-10-14, 23:36
Is there anything else that could cause twitches head pressure (i think i have that its like a tingly feeling sometimes) and nausea? I mean, I do have IBS.


I'm responding again because it seems you're just glossing over my suggestions and posts. Maybe not, but when I see someone immediately go right back to a "what if" or ask another question, I know from experience that the point wasn't taken nor considered. Again maybe I'm wrong and I hope I am.

A couple of things. The fact that you're posting on an anxiety website means to me that at least somewhere inside, you know that's what the issue is. All the symptoms you've described can be attributed to anxiety. Even when you're not feeling anxious they can manifest themselves as your conscience or subconscious perceives a threat and releases adrenalin into your system. This would account for twitching and all sorts of symptoms. The fact the medical testing has ruled out anything sinister and you're still in doubt is a classic HA symptom. IBS is a very common anxiety based stomach/bowel issue too. At least to me it's glaringly obvious what the issue is.

At least take a look at the links. Do speak with your doctor about a referral to a mental health professional and possibly some meds to help along with that. Reassurance really doesn't help in the long run but i think you know that.

Good luck and positive thoughts

28-10-14, 01:52
Yes iv read the article and you have a fait point. My muscle twitches however do seem to be primarily on my left side

28-10-14, 11:04
Mainly or exclusively?

28-10-14, 14:04

---------- Post added at 14:04 ---------- Previous post was at 11:18 ----------

I just can't get it out my head I feel nauseous all the time now, getting twitches and hiccups too... All main signs of brain tumour

31-10-14, 04:22
Went to the doctors he's having my n
Bloods tested as he's only concerned about low sodium and calcium levels or possibly diabetes :/ completely out of what I was expecting

31-10-14, 06:34
I recently had the same symptoms as you, I ended up having headaches for five months in a row. It has now gone!

I don't know whether it's because I've come off some medication, less anxious or what but you really need to trust your doctor.

31-10-14, 08:40
Went to the doctors he's having my n
Bloods tested as he's only concerned about low sodium and calcium levels or possibly diabetes :/ completely out of what I was expecting

What were you expecting? Do you want something really bad? That's what you have to ask yourself. He's probably doing it to try and put your mind at rest. and if - IF - anything comes back positive, you know what it is. :)

Trusting our doctors is a massively hard part but another is understanding just how anxiety can mess up our coping mechanisms and our bodies. Then with a lot of work, you put the two together.