View Full Version : felt like i was going to stop breathing.

21-09-13, 11:47
all this morning i,ve felt like im going to stop breathing but also feel; bloated. [im on my monthly] but it,s like my stomaches something to do with it. don,t know if you know what i mean? i am very tired because i didn,t have much sleep last night. could be a mixture of things i suppose.:yesyes:

21-09-13, 12:05
morning :-) i have a nervy tummy in the mornings sometimes (like butterflies) and it effects my breathing now and again, we tend to zoom in on it and it makes it 10 x worse. i have always felt mine was hormonal (on the change) but doctors don't seem to want to know or listen. at certain times of the month my anxiety is high, then it can go has quick has it came. its horrible feeling i know, but try and eat to settle it all. mine always gets better has day goes on :-) xx Lesley hope you sleep well tonight.