View Full Version : Feeling Dizzy

21-09-13, 12:37
I am not sure what's going on now. Since Monday I've had dizzy feelings, worse when waking up or bending down. At times I feel wobbly when standing but it soon wears off. Doctor said it's anxiety so it will go away but now I am worried it's MS or something worse. Does anyone else have this? How long till it goes away?

23-09-13, 10:40
It's very common with anxiety. I'm marginally dizzy and unsteady almost all the time, but often have bouts where I wake up with really bad vertigo.

It's mostly muscle related as you're tense all the time.

The only thing to do is just let it happen, it's not dangerous at all.

It could last hours or years, it depends on how much you're able to relax and just let it go.

Imagine it like a headache for somebody without anxiety, they wouldn't focus on it and worry about it like we do! :winks:

Mr Brownstone
26-09-13, 21:57
Apart from stress, dizziness can come and go. I get it periodically but recall having it every day for a week or so a few years back. Went to the doc who didnt seem overly worried, and it went away.

29-09-13, 19:57
It's a lot to do with tension. If you're anxious you're probably tightening up muscles without even realising it. You're probably over breathing, mildly hyper ventilating without realising it. All these are contributing factors.

I'm no expert and suffer myself but I understand the science and logic behind anxiety. It's the worst thing I've ever had to deal with in my life, but I am going to beat this anxiety.