View Full Version : Strange stomach behaviour :(

21-09-13, 15:39
So today, only 3 hours ago, my stomach felt upset. I had to go to the loo. I had BM, very fragmented, but not watery, and very loose. Actually I've had it 5-6 times already during those 3 hours. First, there is stomach cramping, then I had to go to the loo and it gives relieve. I don't know, what's going on. I'm kind of scared, because I was taking Clindamycin for my tooth, finished the course a few days ago, still taking probiotics and now I'm getting stressed about C. Difficile. I'm shaking about that. Don't know, whether I should wait a bit more, or maybe just pack up and go to the ER. I don't want to die due to a megacolon toxicum or some other nasty things :weep: I'm so anxious...

21-09-13, 15:44
Before you lose it and go to the ER.....

You've been on a rather strong antibiotic and the side effects include exactly what you're experiencing.

This can happen even after finishing. Nothing much you can do about it. Worrying about it will only compound the issue.

Good luck

21-09-13, 15:57
Ok, I'm trying to control it, but it's hard, it's really hard :( I've just taken 2 tablets of a herbal drug with tannin albuminate (for diarrhea) and it seems to be stopping. At last.

Now I think that maybe it's due to yoghurt. I ate yoghurt with some acidophiles today's morning, hoping it would help in rebuilding good bacteria but I'm lactose intolerant... maybe it was a bad idea...