View Full Version : so worried dont know what to do

21-09-13, 19:45
hi not sure if this is the right place to post but I just don't know what to as im feeling really bad at the moment , and just need some ones advice if they can .if I can try explain my problem to u the best way I can as I feel so imbarrasssed in asking some one for the advice . im on beniefts esa formyself for my anxiety and in june I was desperate for a 3piece suite and I couldn't afford to go out and buy one cash so I got one hire purchase and pay £25 per week for it I at the time I was paying it ok as I was getting my daughters child tax credits and thought she was staying on at school for another year as she is 16 but then she decided she didn't want to stay on so since the end of august her tax credits stopped and I couldn't pay my weekly payments and ive missed 3wks now I did fone the company up to explain my situation and that I would pay the 3 wks I owe them this tues out my benift money but they wont let me do that and they are comeing for my suite on Monday morning and im in a such a state over it as I wont have anything to sit on on. ive been terying since yesterday to raise wat I owe I to stop them but cant get any help and since last night ive just been worring myself sick and ive now been getting irrational thoughts thinking maybe I should end it all because I cant pay them and that is scareing me death as I don't know why im thinking this way as ive never been like this before and because I have heard of people doing them selfs harm over dept it scareing me even more because I thought it and I don't know if is because of my anxiety that's just making think like it and that as Idont want to harm myself im petrified of dying. a part of me thinks should I just let them take my suite and then I wont have added stress of worring every week to pay it, but then I think if I let them take it my family will think once again ive messed up again sorry for the long post I just want to ask if this normal the way thinking because of my anxiety as I don't like thinking or feeling this way and why something like this is having such a effect on me thk you

---------- Post added at 19:45 ---------- Previous post was at 16:23 ----------

sorry for last post I only wanted to know if anxiety can cause you to get so anxiouse and worry over things that seem trival to other people and because of the worring so much about a problem you cant seem to make a rational decision about wat to do and if it can give you irrational thoughts like the thoughts I was having and make you so anxiose and feel you have no ware to turn too

21-09-13, 20:04
Aww hun I'm sorry that you're feeling so bad right now.

Living on benefits really is no fun at all, trying to make ends meet prove to be almost impossible for a lot of people.

I can truly understand how tempting it is to buy things on credit when you're strapped for cash, but what angers me more than anything is that these new "credit" firms are playing on people who have no other options open to them, they normally charge extortionate interest rates and then slap loads more charges on to the account when people are having difficulty paying :mad:

Are there any charities at all in your area that could maybe help you out with some seating hun?? Try and have a look around and see what you can find out, hopefully they'll be something near you.

Failing that, have a look on facebook, see if there's a recycling page in your area, we have one here and all the stuff on there is free, you could always ask if anybody has seating that they don't use now.

As this credit company are saying that they're coming to collect your furniture, does this then mean that you wont owe them any more money??

It's vitally important that you check that out, because if they're still going to charge you for the full amount, they have no right to remove the goods that you'll be paying for.

I would make sure that you check all of your paper work to do with this credit agreement with a fine tooth comb, including all of the small print where they have a bad habit of hiding stuff.

Hun, I think it's your anxiety and probably a bit of depression that's making you think that you want to end it all, but that option is not ever a solution hun, especially for debt, it's only money at the end of the day and certainly not worth loosing your life over.

Things will get sorted hun, it just feels like they wont to you, but they will because they always do in one way or another :)

If you feel that you are getting more depressed, go and have a chat with your GP and let them help you through this bad spell.

Please come back and let us know how you get on hun :hugs: