View Full Version : Neck Problems ( Spot/Lump)

26-10-06, 08:06
Hi all,

For the last week, I have had a red spot on my neck but when I feel it, it feels to me like a lump.
People have told me it's nothing and it could even be a hair folicle but to me it's worrying as I have
been putting cream or TCP on it everyday and nothing. The lump does only feel very small, i guess
spots can produce a lump feeling as it feels like the lump is under the skin.

Because of this, I guess I'm focusing to hard, my neck is aching and feels different from normal.

Can anybody help or is their anybody who can stop my mind from worring about this spot/lump thing?

I guess if it is a spot or hairfolicle, it could last for weeks!


26-10-06, 08:37

depending on where it it, i know men can get hairs that grow back in on themselves (beard area) causing a sore. Other than that it probably just a pimple Try leaving it without putting creams on etc as sometimes i think things heal quicker left alone. People with HA can make things worse and last longer because we wont leave them alone.
I'm actually better with things i can actually see as once they are gone its obvious. My worst scares are not being sure if somethings a lump or not - if you know what i mean.
And yes you can definately make things ache, i have a mole im obsessesed about behind my ear (of all places) and ive made my neck sore straining to look at it!!!
Im sure itll disappear if you can mange to leave it alone, you know its just a spot really and its your HA telling you otherwise,
love anx x

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

26-10-06, 12:16
It's probably just a boil under the skin. I get these occasionally on my neck just under my ears and they can be very painful, I think mine is caused by my earrings when I lie on my side in bed.

27-10-06, 13:54
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">It's probably just a boil under the skin. I get these occasionally on my neck just under my ears and they can be very painful, I think mine is caused by my earrings when I lie on my side in bed.

<div align="right">Originally posted by MissChampers - 26 October 2006 : 12:16:42</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">


How dong can boils last for?


31-10-06, 18:05
Hi all,

I still appear to have this lump/spot on my kneck and was starting to wonder if I should go and see the doctor but people I have spoke to have just giggled at me.

The reason I'm worrying is becaue of it being a lump under the skin but it does have a colour on the skin and it's very small but to somebody like me with health anxiety it's worrying.

Would anybody out there go to the doctors or just ignore it?


31-10-06, 19:29

I would ignore it my son gets spots just like you have described when he is run down. I know its easy for me say but all this health anxiety is probably running you down.

Try and stop focusing on your body so much I did and believe me the improvement in your health will be amazing.

I know its hard but try.

You take care

Mel xx

04-11-06, 09:22

Very low at the moment as I'm worrying about this spot/lump I can feel on my neck.

On Wednesday, I had enough and phoned up doctors to make an appointment.

To my suprise, they can not fit me in untill the 28th November 2006.

To me, that is ages away and I have to worry untill then.

I thought it was getting better yesterday and I picked my self up but this morning I can feel it again and it's worrying.


09-03-11, 01:50
Hello so what did the doctor tell you? Any product to use?
Thanx u