View Full Version : Anxiety Attacks & Digestive Problems. Anyone Else Experience This??

21-09-13, 19:56
Hi. I'm a 30 year old female that has been having anxiety attacks since 2005. Back when they 1st started I recall having a feeling of food "stuck" in my throat, but, as my anxiety decreased, it went away. Although I have had anxiety attacks since then, the one's I've been having for about a week & a half is the worst I've experienced. I have a lot of stress on me lately, & I can't seem to get it under control. I worry about EVERYTHING! I take 5mg valium for my nerves, but that is it....However, for nearly a week I have noticed that everytime I eat, immediately afterwards, it feels as if it's stuck in my throat. It seems to take at least 3 hrs or longer for the feeling to go away in my throat, but then it begins to hurt under my breast, in the middle. I also have small sharp pains every once in awhile in my stomach & it makes rumbling sounds as well. I also feel bloated. I'm also slightly gassy, but I never have a heartburn feeling... I noticed when I take a valium after I eat it helps relax the muscles in my throat, & that feeling that food is "stuck" there isn't as bad. I've tried Zantac 150, Prilosec OTC, & Gas-X. However, nothing helps as much as the valium does...Let me add, in the mornings right after I wake up is when my throat/stomach feels completely normal. It isn't until I eat that it feels that way...and it doesn't do that with anything liquid...My sister has IBS, & she told me that's how her's started & I need to tell my Dr. that I need protonics. I'm not sure if it's IBS, or stress related, because I was perfectly fine before I was so stressed out! Has anyone else experienced this? (Also PLEASE keep in mind that I get scared VERY VERY easily about anything medical related, so please try your best to not scare me, I don't need another panic attack! :)) Thank you for your time, & looking forward to hearing your replies!

22-09-13, 05:49
First things first. Control, what you can control....your breathing. Take 10 slow deep breaths and get your breathing and heart rate under control. Once you do that, you can read this and it'll make sense. That feeling you have of food stuck in your throat is called a "globus sensation". It's a prime indicator of anxiety. Your stomach issues? Anxiety related. The bloating?.....stress/anxiety. The reason you wake up feeling OK is because your mind has relaxed during sleep and then your irrational thoughts take over when you wake up. I'm stating this pretty matter of factly, because it sounds very, very familiar. I've learned from experience. Not from textbooks. What can you do to fix it? I wish I had the magic answer, but I have benefitted from the following....1. Pray about it 2. Exercise ( doesn't have to be olympic sports, but getting your heart rate up helps!) 3. Recognizing what it is 4. Deep breathing. 5. When all else fails, two glasses of red wine ( three is too many ). It's self medicating, but it helps me. Just don't over do it.

22-09-13, 16:25
Thank you Tex. That helped me feel a little better. I'm pre-diabetic so I no longer drink, but, I do take valium to help me relax. Thanks again for your advice!