View Full Version : Very scared... Help!

21-09-13, 23:05
Have an SVT that went off in work when I bent over to pick something off the floor. My heart rate went to 176 bpm for 15 minutes, caught on my heart monitor. Consultant prescribed me bisoprolol a beta blocker.

I'm going in for a few more tests, sonar on my heart chambers etc. and will probably referred for an ablation.

This had been passed off as palpitations and anxiety by my doctor for several years.

I'm really scared I've done something to my heart and that it's going to go fast again. When it went fast at work I fell to the floor, couldn't breathe for a second, don't know if this was panic.

Now I keep feeling random pains and now laying in bed it feels like constant heartburn.

If anyone has been in a mindset of bring scared that something bad is about to happen, the impending doom feeling, this is my every day. I get stressed at the thought of leaving home now. I'm really worried about my heart and I don't know waft else to say...

22-09-13, 02:11
I'm sorry you are not feeling well. I worry about my heart everyday, and also carry the thought of the impending doom at any moment feeling. It's not fun. I hope you do well with all your test, and just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. :)

22-09-13, 02:55
Was that the first 24 hour heart monitor test you had?

I'm just curious because I get irregular and fast heart rate, I've had a bunch if tests too and they all say my heart is fine. So the palps n the tacycardia don't seem to have a cause other than anxiety.

I guess it's good they caught it so now they can treat it. I agree doctors are far too dismissive but that's because most of the time it's nothing. But I think everyone should get the 24 test done if they get funny beats.

22-09-13, 22:32
I've had 2 monitors, both catching the SVT. It happens when I bend down and also sometimes if I burp. I'm also getting heartburn associated with it. I wonder if they're all linked?

Either way it is an absolutely crap experience and has been plaguing me for all too long now.

23-09-13, 04:16
Experienced SVT in 2011. Ater 1 hour, I went to ER. Just as the doctor was about to administer the drug to stop it, i took a deep breath, held it for a few seconds and exhaled He looked at me and said "good job, you just stopped it" That is called a valsalva maneuver. I was coming off a long period of anxiety after my son had experienced a very bad football injury. ( He's fine now ). The tachycardia, PVCs and periodic pain happened very often. I decided to walk through it....literally. I walked and walked. Sometimes 2 hours a day. I had a full physical and have only had one or two brief episodes, but a quick valsalva maneuver gets me right back into rhythm. The E-Cardiologist wanted to do the ablation procedure to prevent further episodes ( not for safety, but quality of life ), but I told him I'd wait....I'm glad I did. You can get through it.

23-09-13, 13:23
I think it's the anxiety I need to get passed.