View Full Version : swollen lymph nodes plus panic attack

22-09-13, 01:36
Hey guys I hope you can help me out to figure out what Is my problem.
it all started and December 2012 in the summer vacation I woke up to a horrible neck pain on my left side.
my neck was hurting for over 2 months until I decided to go to my doctor I went to the doctor did a course in blood work which was a CBC test and she order me an ultrasound.
the ultrasound Said that I have multiple swollen lymph nodes on my left side but my blood work came perfectly fine and in the normal ranges.
my physicians told me that I'm perfectly fine and I have nothing to worry about and she gave me some penicillin for 10 days and she told me that should take care of the swollen lymph nodes and its nothing serious.
I've also had a cavity and an abscess tooth on the same side so I went to my dentist and got a root canal treatment done and I filled my cavity and I had a buildup of plaque in my teeth which I got that taken care of also.
my situation has not changed after 5 months and I'm starting to get frustrated someone back to the doctor to do more blood work.
this time I had a another CBC test, mono test ,STD test- Hiv, gonorrhea, chlamydia,syphilis, TSH-thyroid check.
All came back normal and negative for the std's.
3 months later and still nothing has change and its been over the close to nine months and I'm still in the same situation So I went back to the doctor and again I had another round of blood work done just to see if anything change but still everything is in the normal ranges and everything's ok.
I quit smoking and the doctor sent me to an ENT specialist the specialist scoped my throat out and told me that I have a buildup of yeast in my throat probably from all the medication I've been taking at this point the lymph nodes on the left side of my neck are still swollen and my salivary glands on the left side are now swollen also and I have a foul taste in my mouth.
The ent ordered a chest,neck& head CT scan for me.
Which the result came back normal which it pretty much said that its not really swollen maybe just a little but nothing to concerned about.
So he sent me home and told me that there is no need for a core bloody because the lymph nodes are too small.
But the feel big to me when I touch them.
He sent me home and told me that I'm the healtiest persons he know and start laughing and told to not stress about it and its nothing to worry about.
By the I am 24 year old guy I think I forgot to mention that.
My problem is not solved but the doctors telling me that I'm fine.
What do you guys think I have that's causing for all my problems.
Should I let it go and ignore it?
Could be that its all in my head?
Should I still be concerned after all the hearing I've done?
Please help me I'm losing my mind

22-09-13, 06:13
Can someone please help me

22-09-13, 06:22
Hello Alonzo. I'm not a doctor, but I've worried about every health problem imaginable. I will say that with all the tests you've had done and the expert opinions, you've gotten your answer. You may still have some discomfort, but if I were you, I'd quit stressing. There could be an astroid about to hit earth, but very, very unlikely. Same for your condition. After all the tests, it's very unlikely they've missed anything significant. Plus you're 24. 24 year olds don't usually have surprise/incidious conditions.

22-09-13, 15:04
Reading between the lines, I sense your fear is that of oral cancer. As a survivor of OC, I can tell you some undeniable facts.

Oral cancer at your age, while not totally unheard of, is very, very rare. The only way to determine if it is cancer is by a biopsy of the suspicious area, nodes or lesions. If you've been to an ENT, been scoped, had CAT scans done and all seems normal, then it's nothing to be worried about. Also, the ENT feels that your lymph nodes are within normal parameters and swelling is due to the issues he saw while scoping you. Also, in the majority of cases, OC exhibits no symptoms other than a painless swollen lymph node. You wouldn't all of a sudden wake up with pain. From what you described, it's indicative of a viral or bacterial infection.

If you still feel there's an issue I would recommend seeing an ENT that specializes in head and neck cancers. Also, at your age, I would highly recommend getting the HPV vaccine. That along with quitting tobacco will virtually eliminate the chances of ever developing OC in your lifetime.

Positive thoughts and prayers

23-09-13, 02:43
Thank you guys, I think its probably a virus but for 9 months? ?it's carzy I already got tested for std's twice so what the hell it could be.
I'm not gonna lie I'm still worried but I have no choice but to go with my ENT specialist.
I'm sure I am not the first person with that problem and he knows what is talking about and if he tells me not to worry about it I guess I should start listening to my doctor's lol...
What do you think??