View Full Version : Meds or no meds? Help!!

22-09-13, 03:26
Hi everyone I'm new here. To make a long story short I was diagnosed with Tourette's age 19. I've suffered from tics anxiety OCD and occasional depression ever since. Currently I'm 38 and have just gone through five months of paxil withdrawal. Sadly I've been through this before when I was 20. This time it is been far worse. I've been on low-dose benzo's ever since withdrawal started. Which is something I definitely didn't want to do. I've been trying to fight it and recover without medications as much as Possible. I originally was put on Clonopin and have been transferred to Librium to do a slow taper. I've had good days and bad days but things really have been bad ever since. I stop the Paxil. Horrible anxiety and panic with accompanied depersonalization slight depression disorientation and severe cognitive fog. About four weeks ago I started seeing a new doc who is highly recommended and I feel is extremely intelligent. Everything he's been doing thus far was great until he had me start clomiprimine five days ago. I know During withdrawal our minds can be sensitive. However I had a horrible reaction after one 25 mg dose and honestly feel as if the past three days I've been withdrawing from that one dose. Years ago I spent two years in medical school but did not finish. (Health :( ) So my medical mind tells me that's not possible however some people say otherwise. It's definitely been rough and after being off for approximately five days my doctor wants me to start a very low dose of Lexapro this evening. Actually 2 mg in liquid. Ever since the withdrawal ive been afraid to take anything as if I feel I have negative reactions. Stuff like Benadryl antibiotics and prednisone. Of course prednisone can be hell the other stuff is fairly benign. One night I had to take Ibuprofen and thought that gave me anxiety and Dizziness. I'm sure that I'm creating most of this in my head. So to stop being verbose, Has anyone had any bad experiences with clomipramine for anxiety or depression just after a few doses. I've never been depressed or Severely anxious person until Ive been put on and off all these medications. I'm super freaked out to even take the tiny 2 mg drops of Lexapro tonight. Although I'm trying to stay confident that it should work as stopping Paxil cold turkey I'm sure plummeted my Serotonin levels. Any advice or personal experiences would be great. My anxiety and depression is horrible I sleep 3 to 4 hours a night and wake up totally anxious. Thanks everyone. :):)