View Full Version : Nightclub cloakroom attendants "lost" my jacket!

22-09-13, 04:10
I really can't believe this has happened to me! :mad:

Tonight I went out to celebrate my sister's 40th birthday. We held a surprise party for her in a local pub, with a buffet and disco. That part was all good. Once the pub closed at midnight, several of us went on to a nightclub in the city centre. The nightclub has a cloakroom where you can pay £2 to have your coat looked after for the night. It has a ticketing system and only staff can access the cloakroom.

My coat was a really expensive Barbour jacket that I bought in April. When it was time for us to go home, I handed in my ticket to the cloakroom attendant, and it seemed to take them a long time to look for it, and then they came out empty handed and started asking me questions about the jacket. At this point I started to get really nervous that something had gone wrong. My sister waited with me, but after 5 minutes they still hadn't managed to find it. Eventually, they said they would have to take my contact details and they'll get in touch with me on Monday.

So either they gave my jacket to the wrong person (which shouldn't happen as everything is ticketed and nothing is given out without a matching ticket), or one of the staff had stolen it.

I've been to this nightclub many times in the past, although this is the first time I've been in over a year. It seems to have gone very downhill - it's dirty, and you get a lot of rough people in there. Even a lot of the staff look rough. It's one of those really cheesy nightclubs where they play music from the 50s right up until today, so you get all sorts of people in there. It used to be fun years ago, but now it's a bit of a dump!

What got me is that none of the staff even apologised for my jacket going missing. When my sister demanded an explanation, all they said was "your guess is as good as mine". The staff said if it doesn't turn up they will have to put in an insurance claim in order to reimburse me. It all seems a bit suspicious to me. I can just imagine one of the staff thinking "Oh this looks like a nice jacket, I'll take that home for myself and tell the customer we can't find it, as the nightclub can just claim on their insurance. "

The thing is I don't need the stress of something like this. I had been making good progress with my anxiety over the last couple of months and now something like this happens. :mad:

What should my next action be? I know I have to wait to see if I get a phone call on Monday, but if the jacket isn't found, would I have to report it to the police? In case it has been stolen rather than lost. Even if it was handed to the wrong customer, they should have given it back and said "sorry that's not mine". I now have the worry of trying to find the receipt in case it does go to an insurance claim. I just hope I've still got the receipt.

I've never had anything like this happen to me before so I'm scared.

22-09-13, 08:47
I'm sorry this has happened!

You shouldn't need a receipt. You can easily find out the price on the internet or shop that sells the jacket (or a similar one if yours is no longer available), or by finding the transaction on your bank statement.

You may well need to report the theft as sometimes for an insurance claim you need a crime number. Personally I would report it anyway.

Call them yourself on Monday, don't wait for them. Ask for the manager, and note down his name. It sends out a clear message that you want this resolved quickly and aren't going to let it drop. If they don't tell you, ask how to make a claim, how long it will take to get your money, and whether you will need a crime number. Have a pen and paper handy to write down anything you will need to know.

An insurance claim might take a long time to get your money, but it shouldn't be a complicated process. Maybe your sister would be able to help if you get stuck, but it should be OK.

I can't believe they didn't even apologise. That's really rude of them.

Take care, and try to enjoy Sunday. It'll all be fine :)

22-09-13, 21:51
Thanks for your reply. I did manage to find the receipt. The jacket cost me £179! :ohmy: I don't normally spend so much money on my clothes - I only get a few designer things here and there. Finding the receipt has helped me feel a bit better about it. :)

Another thing which kind of bugged me is that I put a status update on Facebook about my jacket going missing, yet none of my friends on there have expressed any concern at all. The status was completely ignored. Obviously people saying things like "Oh that's a terrible thing to happen!" etc isn't going to make the jacket come back, but I just wanted some virtual hugs and sympathy I guess. :unsure:

22-09-13, 22:25
I hope you manage to get it sorted tomorrow. I understand how you feel as I get like that about things going missing/being taken. My son once had his football top taken and I think I was more gutted than he was. A cloakroom is some where you would expect it to be safe though. :hugs::hugs:

22-09-13, 23:21
I'm sorry you haven't had much sympathy. I guess to some people it wouldn't be a major issue. I'd be upset by something like this, I think you deserve a hug :hugs:

Glad you're feeling a bit better having found the receipt. I never keep stuff like that!

I don't normally have much money for clothes either, but sometimes it's worth spending the money on something special.

23-09-13, 14:20
Oh, that is infuriating. So you have my sympathy.

My mum went to a festival and someone took one of her wellies - imagine a big old muddy field and one welly. My cousin thought she should take someone elses, but sadly, when you get people drinking, they don't care and they probably don't notice. It is possible someone in the cloakroom did take it - but I tend to feel very sorry for people who go round stealing other people's possessions - I think imagine being that low, or living life where you feel it's okay to do that - they must lead a pretty sad life. Could be a drug problem, could be money worries.

That's if it is the case and not that someone has accidentally hadn't it to someone so drunk that they didn't notice whose jacket they were wearing.

Some people think others are so well off and that they could never afford something like that and think you wouldn't miss it, again what a horrible way to live. Big chips on their shoulder. Viewing it this way is the only way I can cope with these scenarios.

Anyhow - much as it is very annoying, if a member of staff is doing this on a regular basis - they will find themselves sacked and you will get a brand new jacket anyway.

Hope you feel a bit better about it now - I think anyone would be annoyed in those circumstances, so don't feel bad about it.

23-09-13, 14:45
Don't see this as a 'I can't be dealing with this' attitude, try thinking 'OK, I can sort this out', that's how you continue to make great progress with anxiety, by taking these problems by the horns and squaring up to them. Once they're gone you feel better about yourself.

I am really sorry to hear about your coat, the money is all well and good but the damage is done. I would probably speak to the club manager about this because you do need an explanation. If somebody has taken your coat this needs to be investigated because it could happen to someone else, eventually the insurance company will stop paying out. If it's a member of staff then they need sacking, if it's customers sneaking in then there needs to be tougher security, even if it's as simple as giving the wrong customer the wrong coat then the staff need re-training.

On a positive, at least you've got an excuse to buy yourself a brand new coat!

23-09-13, 22:13
Thanks for your support. The nightclub found my coat in the end and we picked it up this afternoon. I'm so relieved, especially now that I don't have the worry of an insurance claim. :D

I'm confused about what exactly happened though. Yesterday one of my niece's Facebook friends posted a comment on my niece's page saying that they saw some man take it off and it was left inside. The thing is, we weren't with my niece's friend (she just happened to be there on the same night but we never saw her as she was with a different group of people) and I had never met her before, so I don't know how she would have realised the jacket was mine. When we went to the nightclub this afternoon to collect the jacket, the staff member said that it had somehow been given to a friend of mine and that she'd handed it in (I presume he meant my niece's friend). It all seems really weird. Apparently my niece isn't even particularly friendly with this girl any more, but they're still Facebook friends. I'm so glad I've got it back though.

NE21 worrier
23-09-13, 22:19
Glad to hear this got sorted out xx:hugs:

24-09-13, 12:26
Well I'm glad you got your coat back :)

I don't think you'll ever find out what happened, but at least you have it back now.