View Full Version : Keep waking up at my normal work time at the weekends :( help

22-09-13, 08:22
It's so annoying. I can never lay in on the weekend anymore.

I have to get up at 6am everyday for work and on a weekend I'm lucky if I can make it to 7.30am.

Does anyone else have this problem?

It would be lovely to lay in until 9 like I used to and wake up feeling refreshed :(

22-09-13, 13:00
I am exactly the same I get up at 6am daily for work and wake up at exactly this time at the weekends, I can't then get back to sleep so end up getting up really early. I suppose it is just that our body clocks are so used to us getting up at a certain time we find it hard to adjust at the weekend. I always feel worn out and like you could do with a few extra hours sleep.

22-09-13, 14:31
It's called "biological clock". Personally, that happens to me all the time and if I do sleep past my normal wake up time my cat wakes me up anyway ~lol~ Not much you can really do about it BUT... being that it's the weekend, you have the time and freedom to take a nap which I often do ;)