View Full Version : Holiday hell help please

22-09-13, 09:20
Ok so im on holiday with the family but everyday having constant headaches, dizxy, feel sick and generally achy i know this is prob down to health anxiety and the fact im abroad but i so desparately wanna forget and
Have a good time so after some tips to do
This please x

22-09-13, 09:48
Just a thought but can you try and convince yourself (which is probably true) that the symptoms will be long gone by the time you get home, that if they haven't you will go to the GP when in all likelihood they won't be anything serious and even if they are (which they almost certainly won't be) then nothing untoward will have happened in the time between now and going home,.

Enjoy your break.

22-09-13, 09:49
Hello pink I felt the same on holiday last month keeping busy and the holiday it's self took my mind off myself and having a drink worked for me I'm not on meds so was ok I relaxed something I don't do at home also I didn't look on this site while I was away I think that helped , after the first couple of days I did start to feel better was like magic but I was determined to enjoy my holiday but I was worried how I would-be but I just kept taking my rescue remedies and kept on the go anything to take my mind somewhere else , try and enjoy your holiday make the most of it when you get home you wish you were back there lol , good luck x