View Full Version : trying to hide it!

22-09-13, 09:40
I have suffered Anxiety for years, but have managed to hide it from people other than my husband,
I have made so many excuses over the years to avoid going places I don't feel comfortable with.

Recently though I am finding it increasingly hard to hide, I have felt so bad I thought I would have to tell my work collegues as I feel so ill when im anxious and thought I might have to go home.

I think the main thing im scared of is that people will think im weak and pathetic and ( should get a grip and get over it).

I feel like a burden to my husband as I rely on him so much, but am concerned about how people will react so keep it bottled up.

Does anybody else do this?


22-09-13, 10:46
[QUOTE=helenclaire;1218509]I have suffered Anxiety for years, but have managed to hide it from people other than my husband,
I have made so many excuses over the years to avoid going places I don't feel comfortable with.

Recently though I am finding it increasingly hard to hide, I have felt so bad I thought I would have to tell my work collegues as I feel so ill when im anxious and thought I might have to go home.

I think the main thing im scared of is that people will think im weak and pathetic and ( should get a grip and get over it).

I feel like a burden to my husband as I rely on him so much, but am concerned about how people will react so keep it bottled up.
Hi Helenclaire, I like you have suffered for years with anxiety and panic and only my two best friends apart from family knew, I didn't tell people at work, until I had a breakdown this year and work had to know especially as it happened at work, I teach and I was unable to enter the classroom. It was a relief in the end that it was out in the open and I thought I have come this far so I might as well be honest with everyone. Most friends have been supportive but many have completely disappeared but now I realise they were obviously not real friends at all. It's a hard one to call telling people or not as unfortunately there is still such a lot of stigma linked to mental health issues.
Good luck in what you decide

22-09-13, 11:08

I often think that letting it out in the open would help,
but then like you say some people find mental health hard to deal with, and may start treating me differently which is one of the things that worries me.

I have already lost a lot of friends over the years due to not wanting to go anywhere and doing anything because of my fears so don't really want to lose the last couple I have left.

I am hoping I can recover enough from this bad anxiety I am currently going through so I don't need to tell anyone, but that might just be wishful thinking x

22-09-13, 20:50
Hello Helenclaire

I think you will feel better telling your work colleagues. How about just telling one or two you are closest to ? That way you will feel like you have some support at work.

Like you, I can't do work functions etc, and I felt I needed to explain why so that colleagues didn't think I was aloof . It's not that I dont want to be around them,its just the social events I have a panic over.

Also I felt I needed to explain why sometimes I need time on my own . Not everyone understands mental health problems, but I have been surprised by how many of my friends have said that they too either suffer,or have suffered in the past with one form or another.

It really is good to talk, and not try and hide it away.

Loreen xx

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