View Full Version : I think I have BDD...:(

22-09-13, 16:20
Ok firstly, I know people will think I'm just looking for attention or appreciation or whatever but I can honestly say that I am not.

I have constant feelings of being ugly, undesirable and generally unastehtically pleasing.

I am consistently comparing myself to other people, especially my friends, sometimes celebrities.

There's a guy at work who hits on all the female members of staff and although he is creepy and everything, he has never said anything to me and I feel that's because I am truly so replusive.

I didn't have a proper boyfriend until I was 16 and throughout my childhood/adolescence I had intense infatuations for certain people who barely looked twice at me. There was once or twice that these feelings were reciprocated but rarely.

When I went to uni, I did get some attention and had two on/off boyfriends as well as a thing with somebody else.

I now have a boyfriend but I'm convinced I'm not good enough for him and I'm really unattractive, I also always think he would prefer someone else with better looks.

I know life isn't always about looks but I am carrying this around with me like a huge burden.

22-09-13, 17:02
Ok firstly, I know people will think I'm just looking for attention or appreciation or whatever but I can honestly say that I am not.

Just based on the number and frequency of your posts and the subject matter, I can see why you prefaced your post with that statement. While you may feel that way, it's my opinion that there is some of that happening on a subconscious level or maybe not.

A web forum is a wonderful tool to seek information, vent, lend a helping hand and find reassurance that you're not alone in your thinking or situation. While it can help and does, it cannot change what and who you are. That has to come from within you.

While I'm sure there are many here that can relate to your thoughts and feelings, they cannot change your own self perception. It's totally your choice to carry the burdens you carry. You can allow them to continue to drag you down or seek ways to leave them behind you.

Good luck in whatever you choose to do!

22-09-13, 17:12
Most of how people see you is based on how you see yourself. How you hold yourself, how you smile confidently. What is surface attraction anyway compared to all the finite details someone can fall in love with. Nothing...
I can't say I empathise with you because it's not something that worries me. Boys don't often favour me above other girls, I don't think I'm very attractive, but people who do like me like me how I like myself. If you hate yourself, others will shy away.

---------- Post added at 17:12 ---------- Previous post was at 17:11 ----------

Oh and you don't have BDD. You are just anxious, and reading into yourself a lot more than you need to.

22-09-13, 17:14
Just based on the number and frequency of your posts and the subject matter, I can see why you prefaced your post with that statement. While you may feel that way, it's my opinion that there is some of that happening on a subconscious level or maybe not.

A web forum is a wonderful tool to seek information, vent, lend a helping hand and find reassurance that you're not alone in your thinking or situation. While it can help and does, it cannot change what and who you are. That has to come from within you.

While I'm sure there are many here that can relate to your thoughts and feelings, they cannot change your own self perception. It's totally your choice to carry the burdens you carry. You can allow them to continue to drag you down or seek ways to leave them behind you.

Good luck in whatever you choose to do!

I dont think I post as many as some to be honest but I understand what you are saying.

22-09-13, 17:42
I think it is more low self-esteem than BDD.

I base this on the fact that you posted pictures of yourself a few times asking for opinions and I think you are trying to get reassurance about your looks.

Maybe work on the self-esteem issues?

22-09-13, 18:00
I have seen your pics you have posted Girlafraid and you are very pretty and I agree with Nic you are looking for reassurance which is more of a self esteem issue. I do this all the time, and look for reassurance for so many different things, but ultimately I think self confidence if one of the most attractive qualities a person can have and if you feel rubbish about yourself other people pick up on this , I give out a lot of negative vibes I feel, which stops other people approaching me, not saying you do this but I know I do.

22-09-13, 19:03
Why do you place so much value on looks?

You can't change how you look might as well accept it. When you're 60 you'll be kicking yourself for thinking you were unatractive.

22-09-13, 20:58
Seems like low self esteem? How do you respond to the post that says they seen your photos and think you look attractive?

low self esteem is one difficult thing to change, probably the one thing i still struggle with..