View Full Version : Night time and sleeping, whats wrong?

26-10-06, 10:31
Does anyone ever get this...
When i get in to bed and sometimes just before i find my self getting very very anxious.. my mind goes in to overdrive and is just filled with all these ridicolous thoughts. As i am nodding in and out of sleep i wake up very confused cant remember things, dont know where i am what time it is etc etc. then i get back to sleep and this will usally happen around 5 times in the night, then when i wake up i find myself shaking, feeling very sick and confused and sweating aswell. Its really horrible and to be honest it is very frightning, I dont experience these symptoms throughout the day normally just at night, During the day my anxiety symptoms are differnt, I have had this problem ever since i came of my medication (venlafaxine) and i am sure this has ****ed my head up, anyone have any idea how long anti depressents can mess your head up for if this is the case? Its really annoying and scary. Thanks, Tony

26-10-06, 11:07
hi tony, i get the same symptoms as you and im not on meds. they are anxiety symtoms. yes it is very frightening, but the more you panic and worry about them, the worse they get. try relaxing, and breaking the routine of worrying (easier said than done!) try a relaxing bedtime routine ie. warm milk drink, radox bath etc. anything is worth a try

take care

26-10-06, 11:22
Hi Tony

Lovely to see you here, im sure you will find lots of good advice here and make new friends on the way.

Try these posts, they may help:

Sleep Help

Sleep zzzzz (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5413)
insomnia, insomnia, insomnia etc.... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6002)
Sleep problems (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6260)
HELP! Problems with sleeping. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7144)



26-10-06, 11:23
hi tony i to get this scay i mean scary frightning experience i am shaking i thought i was the only one. i have been takeing beta blockers for the last 7 day i can not tell you how it feels to be without all the sytotoms you discribe.last nigh i only woke once thank goodness. i feel like i could go on and on about it . please feel free to repy i thaught i was the only one. anderson.

26-10-06, 13:24
This sound like anxiety symptoms to me,I have the same.Did you come of your meds slowly,some times coming off gives you horrid side affects to.:(

Ellen XX

26-10-06, 13:34
Hi Tony,
I have the same symptons as u, i cant switch my brain off 2sleep i am trying decaf coffee and a short walk, ive been doing it for a few weeks and ive improved

26-10-06, 14:08
Hi Tony, I have also got the same symptons too, but mine is slightly diiferent. I would be nodding off to sleep and I would start to get racey heart pulpitations, then when i eventually calm down i find it hard to sleep. I have found in the last month that I am only on average getting 5 hours sleep a night if I am lucky. I would also wake up out of my sleep feeling dazed and confused, but deep down inside of me I know where I am. I am also finding out that my system is starting to act funny, as my body wants to sleep during the day and it wants me to be a wake at night. This is really fustrating me as a constantly feel sick during the day. I think I am becoming nocturnal, I know how you feel my friend..


26-10-06, 15:06
I was taking that tab and had treeible trouble coming off them.

26-10-06, 16:48
all the times ive been on medication and then stopped it again quickly ive had all the same symptoms as yours on a night, mind racing, waking up all the time + waking up really confused (not only not knowing where i am but occasionally not knowing who or what i am) but dont worry about it it wont have messed you up permanently, i've usually gradually recovered completely over a week or sometimes two depending on which medication and how long i took it for. youll be back to normal soon.

26-10-06, 17:59
Hi Tony
Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help

Try these links ..

Night panic
Nothing like a panic attack at 3:30 am (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2701)
Sudden nighttime attacks (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=24)
Waking Up With A Panic Attack In The Night (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5211)
Bad Morning !!!!!!!!!!! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5692)
Panic attacks during sleep. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5796)
It's Back! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5769)
Waking Startled at Night (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5951)
Panic Attacks....During Sleep (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6385)
panic attack in sleep (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7118)

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


26-10-06, 18:45
hello there!I have the same thing,tho not been on those meds.I thought mine was due to stopping hrt meds???I have got to the stage of dreading going to bed!!Iwas gunna post about it but saw yours!I cant believe we are all suffering with the same symptoms???Oh wellnothing new for on here and i find it reassuring ,dont you?!;) mmmmm,so maybe a relaxing cd will help then?I always go for paul mackenna myself!Here's to sweet dreams once more,as it really is draining,and i am like a sleeepy doormouse all day[wellone with fangs as it makes me irratable lol] i hope you feel better very soon.love mary rose.xxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

26-10-06, 22:44
Hi, everyone, thanks for all your replies, its nice to know that i am not the only one with this horrible anxiety at night, i have it all through the day and wish that at night time i could have some time off but it gets worse!
I have tried having baths and milky drinks etc etc before i go to bed and nothing seems to work, once i get in that state i stay like it for the whole night and there is nothing that can bring me out, its so horrible.
I also get that when i wake up in the night as well as feeling confused i also dont know who i am where i am etc but after a few seconds i begin to realise but the panic has kicked in by then. Like someone else said deep down i know really where i am and what i am but my mind is playing some awsome tricks on me!
I just cant understand why my brain goes in to overdrive at night, its so scary and i try to ignore it but nothing helps. I do alot of exersise and swimming, which is very helpful but nothing ever takes my mind off it.
I do have alot going on in my life right now so perhaps its that, i dont know, thanks for listening everyone, Tony

27-10-06, 08:20
hiya, and welcome to the forum. i know how you mean. i get this sometimes. i think it is due to the fact of been alone and not doing anything, and it makes you think

if you can help in any way at all, please pm me


28-10-06, 19:43
I can only suggest to you what I did - when I got into bed I would imagine various buildings, coal bunkers, towers, office blocks... then I would put various things that had "troubled me that day" into these buildings and secure them up with padlocks, keys. Have the key in your hand and squeeze it so you can feel it, Then I would pick up a suitcase and pack it with clothes, and go off on holiday to somewhere I had been before, so I would not have a problem getting there, and tell myself that I was allowed to sleep that night as all problems had been locked away, squeeze the key again( I used to take a key to my bed on a ribon, so if I woke confused I would feel the key and slowly get to reality) Then I would know that it was right as I had the key, and was able to reassure myself that I had the key, it was up to me to deal with these things at MY SAY SO. and keep the key with you all the time, it worked for me as they problems that I thought were massive I was able to think them smaller all the time. Give it a go, PM me if you wish.

there's a place that I dream of when I sleep, so peaceful, so quite, I call it mother earth.