View Full Version : does an anxiety attack differ from a panic attack

Anxious lu
22-09-13, 18:19
I Think it does.. panic attack I associate with like crying and muscle cramps in the hands because a girl at school years ago used to suffer this way

anxiety attacks I associate with dizziness, adrenaline rushes, tingles, pounding heart..

am I right? Or are they the same thing

22-09-13, 20:08
I would say they are very similar, though different people have different symptoms. Panic is really just a sudden, huge surge of anxiety.

I can have spells when I feel anxious all the time, or very anxious. I would say panic is just when my mind cranks it up a few notches. I don't particularly get physical symptoms like shakes, dizziness etc. I get a tight feeling in my chest and the urge to get out of wherever I am.

I don't run away though. If you just keep going after a short time the adrenaline in your body just discharges itself and the panic subsides. I don't think you can actually stay in 'panic' mode for that long. It's a short term response that your body produces to make you 'flight' or 'fight'. Once nothing happens, your body stops producing adrenaline and your panic ebbs away.

22-09-13, 20:29
my panic attacks are not like that - but keep in mind that everyone is different

22-09-13, 20:45
Personally... I class my anxiety attacks as those periods of constant anxiety when you are suffereing 24/7 for months. Then panic attacks are the 20-30 minute episodes when you feel like you're having a heart attack, cant breathe, chest pain, sweating etc

22-09-13, 21:54
Hi Lucy...

As you know I suffered from very bad panic attacks but know they have subsided and been replace with what I would call a anxiety attack.

For me a Panic Attack is an intense episode that can last anything from a 30 seconds to a 30 minutes

And an anxiety attack to me is a less intensive version but can last longer maybe a few hours but it is a controlable feeling.

Lucy I will pm you my new Facebook link as you know I closed the old one down and then if you need a chat I will get that silly bobble head on my phone lol

23-09-13, 12:19
Personally... I class my anxiety attacks as those periods of constant anxiety when you are suffereing 24/7 for months. Then panic attacks are the 20-30 minute episodes when you feel like you're having a heart attack, cant breathe, chest pain, sweating etc


This is exactly how I view it too.