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View Full Version : scared side effects

22-09-13, 19:24
hi my doc has gave me cit 10mg and im petriefied to take them because of the horror stories about side effects so can any one please tell me their side effects they had as the main fear ihave is the suicidal thiughts I may get and that relly scares me thks

22-09-13, 23:14
Hi there, I am on 10mg of citalopram too, started it on Friday and never been on anti depressants before. I'm not sure about your situation but I am taking it for anxiety and panic attacks. Since starting on Friday I've had a bit of a funny tummy, reduced appetite and have felt more anxious than I was before but I have kept myself busy which has helped, I've been quite sleepy too but no effects that have put me off continuing with them at all. Everyone is different and I think that reading horror stories online may worry you more. Let us know how you get on xx

28-09-13, 09:43
Yes there are side effects. You won't find anyone who tells you there isn't. I got a lot worse with my anxiety when I started taking cit, but now I feel a lot better. I've been on 20mg since may. What you need to ask yourself is whether or not you feel good enough now for it not to be worth pushing through two weeks of side effects? My answer was no. I was willing to try anything to stop me feeling how I was feeling and I got through it. There is a very good chance your anxiety will shoot through the roof when you begin these tablets. If this happens, go to your doctor and ask for diazepam to see you through the first two weeks.
I was worried about suicidal thoughts too but never got any at all.

29-09-13, 06:19
I was prescribed Citalopram 3 times during the last ten year and thought he first few weeks were difficult as my anxiety got worse too this drug made me 100% normal all 3 times. Good luck huns xx

08-10-13, 16:28
I started Citalopram almost 2 weeks ago and it was hell. My anxiety shot through the roof and I was crying all day for no reason. Now the side effects are starting to wear off and no more crying. I never got the suicidal thoughts though, It affects people differently. Im looking forward to improving since I take this for anxiety and panic.

10-10-13, 12:16

I have only been on Citalopram once. For about 4weeks I had increased anxiety, lack of appetite, dizziness, headaches, stomach cramps and just generally feeling rubbish. I got to 6 weeks and I felt GREAT, the best I have felt for years. I am now on the other side and am getting the side effects of coming off, which are pretty much the same as going on. The difference is, when you go on, you already feel like crap so its not much different. When you come off, you feel great and then feel like crap.

10-10-13, 17:58
I had some not so nice effects. But for me I was aware they were just side effects so I stopped taking them and was fine.

If you get any thoughts or urges call someone, don't be alone. Any side effects the meds cause will go away once the medication is out of your system.