View Full Version : eyes. hospital tomorrow. scared.

22-09-13, 20:48
I have a hospital appointment tomorrow morning with an eye doctor.
When I went for an eye test a few months ago, the optician said my vision is perfect, but she noticed a mark on the back of my retina on my right eye. She said it could possibly be a freckle or birth mark, but it looked a bit too dark to be that, and might be a scar.
She referred me to the hospital to get a diagnosis. I've been so great with not worrying about this but now it's the night before, my anxious brain is thinking the worst.
Does anyone have any experience/reassurance with this??

22-09-13, 21:06
Hi I had to visit the eye specialist at the hospital early this year.

As I failed a field of vision test that I had done after I woke up blind in one eye (it was only tempory lasted a minutes).

So I had to have a proper check up at the hospital and what they did there with me was put some drops in the eyes that makes the pupils fuller so they can have a good look at the eyes..

And lucky for me I got a clean bill of health and was told that the blindness was a mystery.. I do have a slight blind spot in the same eye but that only effects my sight in dim light so still have no idea what that is about.

I would say you will be fine and what they will do is give you a in depth check over.

Good luck

22-09-13, 21:15
thanks for the reply.
I'm scared of the appointment itself.. I hate eyes, and anything touching my eyes, and eye drops and bleh!! I cant even look too closely at peoples eyes.

I really hope it's nothing to worry about. I had two opticians look at my eye, and I chased after one of them after the test for some reassurance and I specifically asked her if it could be a brain tumour or anything like that. She assured me it wasnt, and was nothing sinister.

I guess Im just worked up because it's tomorrow and I bloody hate hospitals!!!!

22-09-13, 21:22
Well you will be fine and your not the only one at hospital tomorrow I have a appointment at midday lol

Have to travel damn 35 miles just to see a clinical pain psychologist.
I have had to wait a year for this appointment.

Just build yourself up for it and get it over and done with and then you can relax. I always dread hospitals have been to A&E a few times with the lights flashing.

And I have always been pleased to walk out again..

So take it easy and on e it is done it is done and you can get home with a clean bill of health.

22-09-13, 21:27
We rely on our eyes so much that when anything threatens our vision ... we panic ! ... Five years ago in my mid forties I was working abroad when my right eye became so damn painful it made me want to throw up. Doctor said conjunctivitis, gave me ointment ... it wasn't. Turns out to be iritis (anterior uveitis to be specific) ... steroid eye drops and drops to keep the pupil dilated followed and it passed ... but came back. Had it seven times now in both eyes but the first time was by far the worst. So I'm fairly regular at my local eye department. You learn to live with it and find fellow sufferers - then compare notes. One thing I've learned about eye specialists ... they can do a tremendous amount of treatments and techniques ... and believe it or not an injection in the eye doesn't hurt ... believe me ... and i'm a wimp ! So go to your clinic with some confidence that they'll be able to resolve your problem.

22-09-13, 21:31
omg there is no way they are injecting my eye without putting me to sleep!! I think I would pass out!!

22-09-13, 21:47
omg there is no way they are injecting my eye without putting me to sleep!! I think I would pass out!!

I don't think for one minute they would do that, most they will probably do is some eye drops if anything and then have a good look at the eyes..

Wow I would not let anyone put a needle in my eye either :-/

22-09-13, 21:56
thanks! that's what it said in my hospital letter... eye drops. I can deal with that!

22-09-13, 22:03
As I was told by a friend on here once they have done the drops it will look like your stoned lol

Afterwards for a few minutes your eyesight will be a little blurred so if your driving what a while.

But again you will be fine. I'm not looking forward to my appointment either but hey if don't do it now will only be left facing it another day..

22-09-13, 23:37
Hey. Once I went for a routine eye test they found something in the back of my eye in a vein and I needed to be referred to the hospital.

It turned out to be a Crystal of cholesterol, was so.unusual in someone of my age, especially as my.cholesterol was not high. It was a freak thing but.completely harmless.

The reality is a lot less daunting than the thought. You be fine x

23-09-13, 20:59
thanks for the reassurance guys.
doctor said it was completely harmless and doesnt want to see me again. phew!!!

23-09-13, 21:01
Well that was good news and hopefully it will put your mind at ease :)

And well done for going