View Full Version : really really fed up of health anx!!!

22-09-13, 21:48
ive tried creating a website ive tried coming up with a monthly plan ive tried every med under the sun ive been to hospital a&e more times than i care to remember attempted suicides family members lost life ruined .... when does it all stop feels like im not any further forward than i was years ago .... well little small changes but nothing really major .... cant see it ever ending fully always going to be burdened with this rubbish

23-09-13, 12:27
I'm sorry you're going through this nightmare
You must be so frustrated that your best intentions and plans aren't seeming to be of any help but take time to celebrate any and every small victory.
Take Care

23-09-13, 12:43
Hi Davey

Acknowledging that you have health anxiety is the first huge step.

CBT has proved to be effective in treating this illness so there is definately hope.

Good luck
