View Full Version : Don't really know what to do.

22-09-13, 23:43
Hi. I'm new and hoping to gain some insight and help with my issues. My husband has just left me, in part due to my issues and in part due to a stupid mistake I made because of how I am.

I have generalised anxiety disorder as diagnosed by my GP and have been taking medication on and off over the past few years for this. I'm not particularly anxious in the way that some anxiety disorders manifest themselves such as fear of leaving the house, fear of having an accident etc - mine only seems to be constant worries within my relationship.

Recently I'd been looking up some stuff hoping to find some self help techniques and discovered that there is actually a recognised branch of general anxiety disorder called relationship anxiety. The description fits my situation perfectly.

I've been married for 15 years and have been almost constantly worried about my husband leaving me, not loving me enough, being with another woman etc etc. These worries would lead me to be very needy and become suspicious of everything and anything every time he left the house and as such I would constantly accuse him of things which, in reality had no basis, but rather were just things I was imagining in my head. I had very little trust in my husband, not through anything he'd done, but just because of how I am.

It’s caused endless problems in our marriage but my husbands way of dealing with that was that rather than trying to provide support or comfort he would just tell me I was “nuts”.

For him it was easier just not to tell me something rather than deal with how I would feel if I did know. Obviously this just made my anxieties worse because I'd feel that I was constantly not being told the truth and so went on the vicious circle.

He'd do something, not tell me, I'd find out, give him a hard time about it, and things would become horrible. I'd feel deceived and would then start wondering and questioning everything. There was never anyone else involved or anything - it’s just that my worries would make me assume the worst all the time.

My husband used to just think I was mad but in actual fact I think he just didn’t understand or know how to help.

In my head all I actually wanted was to feel secure, feel loved, wanted, special, cared for, that I meant something to him. But of course the way I behaved with the not trusting him, being suspicious etc only pushed him further away.

So after years of this we came to a point in March/April 2012 where we first separated.

Obviously I was devastated that things had come to this and this was something that I really didn’t want to happen.

We agreed that my husband could still live in the family home until he got things sorted and in the meantime we could see if we could find a way to resolve things. We also agreed that none of us would see anyone else at this point.

A few months went past, but my husband showed absolutely no interest in me or trying to resolve things whatsoever. It was as if he was pretty much just here until he'd got his own stuff in order.

It was then that I went out with another man - ONE TIME.

Very soon after that my husband decided that he thought us separating had been a mistake. Obviously by then I'd already went out with this other man.

My husband found out but we decided to try to salvage things. It had been trundling along on an "ok" level until a few weeks ago when he told me that he "didn't want to do this anymore". That was it - game over. Incidentally the day he told me was on our 15th wedding anniversary.

At the time that I went out with the other man I firmly believed that my husband and I were over, I thought then that there was no way back, that he’d made up his mind and that was that. How was I ever to know that he would come back to me a couple of months later and say he'd changed his mind.

I feel really angry with myself for being so stupid as to be with someone else and as a result throw away everything that meant something to me.

But the honest truth of that is that I only really wanted some attention from someone, just someone to actually be interested in me for 5 minutes. At the time , and for the few months prior to the separation my husband hardly even spoke to me. I felt really abandoned I suppose and just wanted to feel a bit wanted.

My husband said I should've told him if I felt I needed comfort and attention and yes I probably should have. But it was so hard to even approach him with anything like that after how things had become between us.

I made a HUGE mistake which I'm paying for now with the loss of the one thing that meant the most to me. I am devastated and a totally shell shocked really, but I don’t think there’s anything more I can do.

The thing my husband keeps coming back to all the time is that we had an agreement (that we wouldn't see anyone else whilst we sorted out the separation) and I broke it so therefore it's mostly all my fault.

I think the fact that my one night "affair" happened over a year ago and that my husband & I still stayed together after this shows that there is still something there between us.

I think he just doesn't know how to deal with this properly and move on in a positive way ......... and I don't know how to help him

I really don't want this to be "the end" for us after us having come so far and came through so much. It seems such a shame to throw away 15 years for the sake of a couple of hours with a man who meant absolutely nothing to me.

But then I suppose I should have thought of that.

He says there's no way back now and I'm completely devastated - which is obviously sending my anxiety levels through the roof and has brought back my panic attacks which I thought I'd gotten on top of. I'm struggling to sleep, struggling to think straight, struggling to just get through the day without him.

I so wish I'd gotten help with these issues before it was too late but I really didn't know there was any help out there to be gotten.

23-09-13, 06:12
Hi. Sorry to hear about your story, but as a man, is it any wonder he decided to leave? Constantly checking and accusing him of cheating and when you have a separation and both promising NOT to see anyone else you're the one who goes and sees a man, and he keeps his side of the bargain. From a mans point of view this can get frustrating. I think he did very well to stay with you for 15 years.

I'm not saying these things to rub salt into the wound, just saying it from a mans point of view, and I'm sorry if I have upset you.

However, you do recognise you have a problem, which is a good thing. It's a starting point. I think your best course of action, if you've any hope of getting your husband back, is to go and see your GP and literally tell him/her EVERYTHING. Write it all down, even print out your original message. Your GP needs to know the lot!!! That way he/she will be able to offer you some counselling which is what I think you need, and maybe some medication if it's to do with depressive issues.

Once you've done that and are seeking help then, and only then, do I feel you have any hope of getting your husband back. At least he will see you're recognising your problems and issues, have accepted responsibility for your behaviour, and are seeking help.

The mind is a very powerful thing and it can take over your life.

May I ask how you started having these thoughts he'd cheated on you and not loving you enough?

I hope you can work things out, and this may be something that you don't want to hear, but maybe you have to prepare for the situation that your husband will not want to come back. However, still go and get help, and show him you're addressing your problems, and he may be pleased you're getting the help you need.

You could end up being the very best of friends, even with new partners in both your lives.

I'm not sure if I'm qualified to give you the above advice as I've never been loved by anyone, not romantic love anyway. I'm 52 and it doesn't bother me one bit.

I wish you the best of luck - now go and call your GP and get the ball rolling and get that help you so clearly need.

23-09-13, 11:07
Sounds like two people torturing each other over things that never really happened.

If you can't resolve this, it may be better that you are apart.

23-09-13, 20:06
I agree with hanshan

23-09-13, 20:33
I am so sorry to hear about your separation, how are you keeping up?

It seems to be that you're both at fault. I understand anxiety is torture, especially when you know everything is OK and your mind says it's not. It must be horrible when your husband won't support you. But I also understand from your husband's point of view. It must feel awful to be accused of cheating when you're faithful.

And that comes to my next point. Your husband must feel hurt, being accused of cheating when you break a deal to not see anyone. He may feel like it's double standards. I understand why you did it though, if a relationship is lacking in something then they often look elsewhere for what's missing, especially at an intimacy level.

My suggestion is that you two need to talk. You need to tell him how sorry you are, why you did it (truthfully) and how much you love him. You need to tell him how he made you feel in the passed. And he needs to tell you the same. If you can't do it alone then maybe see a marriage counsellor. They not only liaise your problems but help you both to find what made you two love each other in the first place.

In the mean time please look after yourself. If you're struggling with the anxiety then why not stay with friends/family? Do you have children to look after?

25-09-13, 23:44
Hi Rennie

Thanks for your comments.

To be honest I'm really struggling. Some days are better than others. Today has been particularly bad.

I don't think my husband ever has or ever would really understand what the anxiety is like. I've spent most of today going between constant anxiety to almost full on panic. I tried to call him earlier as he's pretty much the only one who can make me feel calmer. He really didn't want to know.

I've messed everything up so badly and am now suffering my punishment for doing so.

In answer to your question - none of my family knows anything about my anxiety problem, only a couple of close friends. My "kids" are 22 and 14 and both live with me. They also are not really aware of my anxiety problem as my husband was also around previously to help "cover things up" if you like.

---------- Post added at 23:44 ---------- Previous post was at 23:21 ----------

May I ask how you started having these thoughts he'd cheated on you and not loving you enough?

I wish you the best of luck - now go and call your GP and get the ball rolling and get that help you so clearly need.

To be honest I'm really not sure. I just feel as if these thoughts have always been there. I don't remember a specific thing that started them off. I just know that they've been there now for many years.

I think part of it might be that my husband is quite "deep", not very demonstrative with his feelings etc. Like if I knew something was bothering him I'd have to drag it out of him - he was never very open about how he was feeling.

Maybe part of that translated to me (in my head) that as he wasn't outwardly showing his love towards me therefore he didn't have any? And then that would lead me to torture myself with thoughts such as "well if he doesn't feel things for me is it because he feels them for someone else?" And that in turn would make me question in my head almost every move he made. So, for example, him being a little late home from work because he was stuck in traffic would translate in my head that he was with someone else. That would lead me to accuse him of such, which would then turn in to a big argument and so it went on.

I know it sounds totally crazy and when I'm having a "good" period I know myself how damaging and how unrealistic it all is. But when the anxiety starts eating away I can get myself in to such a state in such a short period of time that I can't believe anything other than what I've convinced myself in my head is true (even when it's not).

Like today I've convinced myself that he left because he has someone else and has had for months and I've managed to get myself in to a terrible state all day because of it.

Now that I think I've exhausted myself of the anxiety I remember that he promised me a few days ago that there was NO ONE else, never had been and probably would not be for quite some time. And to be honest I don't really have any real reason to doubt what he was saying is true.

26-09-13, 09:15
You don't mention relationship counselling - did you try that? Did you know that you can go to Relate on your own?

27-09-13, 05:39
Give your husband time. No one knows what will happen so just try to take one day at a time. Take care of yourself. He may change his mind, but if he doesn't and decides to stay apart life will go on and you will get better (though things may be challenging for a while). Sometimes it is so hard to see how life can continue when you separate with someone. This is coming from someone who has never been married and doesn't have much relationship experience but I hope some of the things I say can help a little.
Wait and see how things turn out and try not to obsess about the future too much for now. :)